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The Elves of Erdon, as told in the Eldren Fables, came forth when the trees grew jealous of the Mantle children, and birthed their own with similar lifespans. In modern times, Elves live primarily in larger settlements with other Elves, lending to more of an urban or close-knit rural lifestyle. The ‘old lines’ of Elves are divided between the Elias and the Sahtd. The Elias are recognized by their wide yet sharp noses and their large, upturned ear points, while the Sahtd are typically smaller in stature, have smaller down-turned ear points, and dense, curled hair. While less and less a point, Elias historically dwelled within the cities and traditionally wore broad structured fashions, while the Sahtd preferred small, simple, and elegant clothes for their rural life. Elves of both lines occasionally give birth to a Moons-Child: one with iridescent blue hair, often regarded as a good omen. Similarly, a Nights-Child is born with solid black hair, and this is regarded as a bad omen or blamed on “line-mixing.”
Adults are small to medium size. They have +2 Dex because of their typically lighter frames, but a max Con of 14. They have a natural connection to plants, and can use Speak with Plants at will when in contact with a plant. Elves require only 4 hours of sleep for a long rest, and 30 minutes of rest for a short rest, and can go two days without sleep before gaining levels of exhaustion.

Cover image: by Chuck Meriam


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