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The Sloakwood Nations

To the southwest is the Sloakwood Nations. This land of waterfalls is so dense with rivers, streams, ponds, and lakes, that very little dry land exists, except for the colossal volcano Mount Ortugant. This hasn’t prevented a wide breadth of people coming to live in these lands of plenty. There are thousands of sea-fields scattered throughout–acres of shallow, clear water lakes where fish and edible plants grow plenty. The people of the Sloakwood Nations are diverse, but their shared wealth rivals even Korril, as the rivers and falls regularly provide gold deposits for panning. The Sloakwood nations became part of the Empire nearly three hundred years ago after a strange bloom of algae caused a deadly food shortage, and with their abundance of gold and with a treaty signed, joined under the Empire. This region sees a blend of languages similar to the Nation of Bells, but many speak Darvlanger, or "water-walker" to honor their ancestors.

The Darlinger language and the culture of the Sloakwood Nations play a heavy influence on people's names. It is far more common for longer, unique first names, and short, simple family names.   Common first names include:
Achiyaku Illary Paqari Sacha Achanqara Huchuysisa
Chaska Kumya Qispi Suyai Akllasuaq Imasumaq
Chaski Llankay Raymi Samincha Antunyu Karwasisa
Hakan Munay Rimak Wayta Ch’askañawi Kusi-quyllur
Inkasisa Pacha Suyana Yanaymi Huch’uykilla Lliphipiq
  Common family names include:
Asiri Inti Nuna Sumak Tika Churan
Achiq Kasik Nina Sunqu Urma Inia
Atik Kuna Poma Sammi Urpi Liya
Chikan Kusy Qori Sinchi Wara P’anka
Coya Mayu Samin Taki Yanay Pidru

Waterway Riders

The people of the Sloakwood Nations have long lived alongside the various flora and fauna of the region. Most important have been the Katari, animals used to help propagate and fertilize crops, as well as ride into battle.
Geopolitical, Province


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