
Bametoth is an evil god of vanishment, death and emptiness which is worshipped by the Khuners in the north east of Morelvidyn. Bametoth is described as a huge eight armed God whose skin is dark brown. His eyes are said to be coal black as the depth he came from and his fangs are razor sharp.   According to Khuner legends, he came from the deepest and darkest depth of the copper sea and his soul is just as dark. The goals of Bametoth is unclear as there are no written records from the time when he is said to have stride forth from the depths. The ancient folklore of the Khun tells that after Bametoth have entered from the sea he spent some time lording over the humans from his throne. Then one day he walked into the deserts and erected a pyramid in which he dwells even today. His followers who ventures into the desert searching for the pyramid mostly vanishes. But sometimes they come back claiming to have found it, entering and have stood in front of their God. Mostly they return with a vision of what the God wants and the will to see it through. They also claim that the God have said that he is waiting for the stars to align and he can return to the world and rule it.   Bametoth is a God of evil and his worshippers are ruled by an iron fist by the priests. Blood sacrifise and suggestive chanting is common in the religious worship rituals. The main temple with its large hall of sacrifice is located centrally in the port of the city Karakh-Khan.   There is no room for heretics in the world according to the religion and they are hardly considered to be in possession of a soul. It pleases Bametoth to hear their screaming as they are ritually tortured to death and the more innocent the victim, the more it pleasures the God. War, strife are ways the organisations show their reverence to the God, and by relieving heretics from their miserable life. The followers of Bametoth always strive to pleasure the God by showing courage.   There is a branch of the Bametoth worshippers who could be considered holy warriors, and they are called Kalimits. They are fanatics and very influental in the societies where Bametoth are worshipped. Kalimits are always clean shaved and dressed in the colours red and black. The Kalimit society is very secretive but their high priest rules supreme.