
Banes are horrific to meet. The very clear corpses moves against you in unison and very clearly with intelligence behind them. The skin of the corpses is pale, cracked and a complete darkness is seen within the cracks. The open wounds which on any other corpse would be red from flesh and blood are black as night. The eyes and nails on the bane are black as well.   Banes are only created by death knights and they always have a goal with their creations. The most common goal is to be fodder in a coming battle to weaken the death knights enemies. But there have been a few known cases when a death knights have used them as a retinue, servants, squires or something as such. To create a bane is an easy task for a death knight and most of them considers their banes to be expandable and throw them away on a whim. There have been no known examples of banes without a master, and a few necromancers theorieses that they somehow feed from the death knight to stay in the material realm. Without their master their quickly wither and die, also if their master is killed in combat they fall down as ordinary corpses.   A Bane have no will on its own and needs to be ordered by a Death knight, but they will use their own intelligence to figure out how to execute the order.A Bane retains the skills he or she had in life and have the ability to use tools and wear armour. But they will also use their Darkvision attack in combat. Whatever is the best to achive the goal their master have given them.   Darkvision attack: A Bane can project beams of darkness from its eyes. The beams have a range of 10 meters and have to be directed towards a chosen victim. If the target it his they must compete on the "motståndstabell" with PSY. If the attack is successful the victim looses 1T6 PSY, which can be restored naturally. If the targets PSY reaches 0 it dies. Each darkvision attack costs the Bane 3 PSY.    
Styrka *2
Storlek *1
Fysik 0
Smidighet *0,75
Intelligens *0,5
Psyke *1,5

Additional Information

Average Intelligence

A bane keeps its intellect and memories when it is created but it becomes much more simple minded and slow witted. They have no real creativity but will use its memories to solve problems. If a bane never climbed a ladder durings its life it will not figure out how to climb the ladder. On the other hand if it has climbed ladders while it was alive it will fall back on those memories on how you climb a ladder. As such a bane can never learn anything new nore can it improves its skills.   Banes have their own will in a sorts, but it is driven by the orders of its master. If there is no order to follow the bane will stand still waitning for a order, or perhaps go looking or its master. Unlike a zombie the bane will defend itself if it is attacked, and might even try to hide to avoid being noticed. Especially if it can remember hiding while it was alive.   A bane retains the memories of the person it used to be, but the person is gone. It will kill its children, even if during its life it loved them more than anything.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
A Bane looks like it did when it was alive and if it died a violent death, all wounds will be there as well. The skin is pale, lifeless and cracked. Throughout the cracks of the skin the darkness that animates the Bane are visible. The same darkness are seen within wounds made on the bane, old wounds as well. The Eyes and nails is just as black and any one coming close to them can feel the darkness that surrounds them. It is a feeling of death and despair.