Barrow wight

Barrow wights are the etheral spirit of an evil individual who have had the power to return from death but are not strong enough to become fully material, such as the wight. Barrow wights are not truly a part of the material realm and a large part of their essence exists within the spirital realm. They have the ability for a short time return to the spirit realm and then return at another place later, which makes them immaterial and invisible for those who live in the material realm. It also means that they can pass through solid objects, such as walls. The barrow wight also have the power to solidify itself for a period of a day. A barrow wight looks like a spirit version of the individual did at the time of his death, but if he/ she died from a wound, the wound is not visible. The vision of the individual are a vague glowing person where it sometimes is possible to slightly see through it.   A barrow wight are not bound to the place where it was returned to the material realm. Unlike the ordinary wight it can travel far, but if it is touched by light or even worse sunlight it will take damage. Also it looses some power everyday it is away from its point of summoning. They seem to fear traveling over open water as well.   The barrow wight retains all of his or her memories and skills from his former life. Their goals are seldom clear to outsiders and might be very far reaching. They often seems to have a calmer attidute than most undead and there are legends where they have managed to gain allies to do their bidding in the outside world. In the stories it is often a grave robber who unwisly chosed to open the barrow wights grave. Barrow wights are known to talk to the living and offer trade if possible. Mostly they want information, life force or help with doing things. In return they offer gold or items which are kept in their graves.   Barrow wights are not alive and can't regain any power by itself. It regains it by sucking spiritual force out of victims and often use it to regain its power. Sentinent beings often have much more spirit force than animals, but animals will do for most barrow wights as they often are found in their old tombs or other isolated places. Many rodents and burrowing pests have found their demise at the hand of a barrow wight.   Abilities:
  • Terrifying.
  • Absorb individuals spirit (PSY): By winning a competition of the enemies PSY against it owns PSY it can absorb 1T4 PSY points . The victim will regain them normally.
  • When in its normal ordinary form the barrow wight is vague and shimmering and can be hard to hit. CL to hit is modified with -5 for the attacker.
  • In its ordinary form it can only be hurt by fire (1T4 in damage for a torch), magic or magic weapons.
  • If it is in physical form all damages are halved unless it is magical, magical weapons or fire.
  • It takes 1 damage/ SR in light and 1T4 damage/ SR if it is sunlight.