Boronne Cemetary

Just under twenty minutes walk from the city gate lies the ancient cemetary of Boronne. At the centre of the cemetary is three large man made hills which according to legend is the resting ground of ancient kings. From them the walled in cemetary expands. A temple of the sun have been built which also functions as a parish church for the small village located next to the cemetary. A small section of the cemetary is walled of and protected by a heavy steel bar. It is where the rulers of the county have been buried for a few generations. The fence is to keep people out, but some dark rumours claims it is beacause otherwise vengeful spirits would flee their containment.   The Cemetary is cared for by the local priest with the help of the inhabitants of the village. Superstition runs high within the village and seldom does any venture outside during the night.   The cemetary have been known to be covered in thick fog from time to time.   Right next to it is Boronnes execution square, with a small jail and house for the executioner. It is more of a small farm where he can make a living, although food for the prisoners awaiting execution are provided by either the count or the town.