Caddian tradehouse Cevini - Boronne

The Caddian tradehouse Cevini is a small private tradehouse who specialises in trade with Kardien. In Boronne they own a small house inside the city walls and as they trade in large quantities through middlehands they have no use for a warehouse. If they should need it they will rent.   The local leader is Ivecenius Ceddla. A noble and calm trader in his 50th who has no qualms about winning a deal, no matter how. He would seriously consider murder if he knew he would get away with it. But he also weights the risk contra the gain carefully. He knows how to play the political game through and through. In Zorakin he makes sure to have his base covered and not play foul as it would hurt him and his trde house severely if they are found with th fingers in the wrong pot.   The Caddian scribe who joins Ivecenius is Nifilia who is a young women and mistress to Ivecenius. They go to great length to hide it as the gossip woudl hurt both. And Nifilias family could beĀ  problem.   The Caddian servant is Alippa who is also the chaperone for Nifilia. She has keen eyes and knows more than anyone suspects. She is also trying to figure out which Zorakis are open to the more conservative version of the shining path. She spent her orphan years in a monestary, but never took the vows. She has a few Zoraki friends who secretly meets to pray to Etin the proper way.