Cosmology - The School of Etin

The cosmology approved by the church of Etin could also be called the Cosmology of Jorpagnian tradition as it is based on its traditions.   In the centre of the universe there is Etin also sometimes called the realm of Etin (or in Jorpagnian traditions the realms of the gods). Surrounding Etin is the realms of the living. It is made up by Ereb Altor and all things within it. The realm of the living is surrounded by the realms of the dead, where the dead go to be judged and if necessary cleansed, it is also the home of angels and devils. Beyond that are the dark realms where evil lurks and try to invade the realm of the living. Only Etin can protect Ereb Altor from the demons from those realms.   The realm of Etin: This realm is not understandable for the living as it is the home of Etin. But it is described as a place of eternal light where those true in faith goes to spend an eternity if Etin decides they are worthy. It is from this realm Etins rays shine into the realm of life to protects all living things from the dark and evil. In the old Jorpagni scripts the realms is divided into different planes ruled by different gods, by today that is heresy.   The material realm/ The realm of life: The realm of life where created by Etin to give all his creations a place to live. It is ruled by laws created in the beginning of time. The realm is made up by matter created by combining the four elements fire, earth, water and air in different combinations. True life can only be created in the material realm and only by Etin. Strong spirits and demons who pretend to be gods can rework Etins creation but not create life from nothing. The power of Etin streams from his realm in the form of sunlight. To some extend even moon light and the stars are weak proofs of Etins powers. Light are used by almost all living things to grow. Within the realm of life there are several planes that co exists with the material world. Four of these are the planes of fire, earth, water and air, each ruled by a lord of each material. They where put in place by Etin to dispense the materials needed to create the real of life.   Within the Shining ligths tradition there is only one material plane and it is Ereb. Any magician who have claimed to traveled to other planes of matter are either in misunderstanding or lying. The more hardcore scholars are pushing for having them burned at the stakes for heresy.   The plane of fire: At its centre it is a realm of pure fire and there sits its ruler. As it stretches out it gets in contact with other elements and changes more and more into somethin the living can understand. It is ruled by a lord of fire taking the form of a Magmani. The magmani is to powerful to be summoned by a magician, but may hear a call if it reckons it serves its purpose. In the areas close to the material realms different species of fire exists such as Fire horse and salamanders. These can be summoned by magicians from the material world.   The plane of earth: At its centre there is only tightly packed rock where The queen of matter rules supreme. As the planes extends towards the other planes of existense other beings of the element make their homes. Amongst them are counted the Earthbug and the earth elemental.   The plane of water: The centre off the plane is just unending water with no sense of up or down. This is where the lord of the water element, Sea king, holds his court. Closer to the other planes of elementals other lesser beings of the element exists, such as the Undin and sea wave.   The plane of air: The core of the plane is just air in which entities who do not belong there falls through forever. This is ruled by the Cyklon, the lord of Air. As the plane comes closer to other planes lesser beings of air exists. Amongst these the Sylf and Djinn are found.   The realm of the dead: A grey and bleak realm where the spirits of the dead travel to be judged. It is also called the halls of the dead or the halls om mists. If the dead are deemed worthy by either angels or Etin himself, a theological debate, they are allowed to travel to the realm of Etin to spend an eternity by his side. If they are not worthy, devils will create a hell for them where they are tormented until they repent and can be returned to the realm of the living to try again. The dead soul spend a long time walking the corridors of the halls of the dead waiting for their judgement. The realms of the dead in general follows the same laws as the material realms. According to some the most powerful entitie and ruler of the plane is the angel of death, a skeleton in dark robe armed with a scythe.   The dark realms: This is where the forces of evil and darkness hold sway. According to the scholars of Etin even the "good" gods are lesser demons who make this realm their homes. There is much debate if they are good or evil pretending to be good. For the mother church of Caddo the choice is simple, they are evil. The dark realms are divided into several different realms where different kinds of demons make their homes. In all these realms the laws are made up on the whims of these powers.   The plane Nishvina: A plane reminiscent of the material realm and ruled by the demon princess Lilith. The plane is devouted to pleasure and subjugation of the living. One of the most common lesser demon found in the plane is the Succubus and the male counterpart Incubi. Sometimes stronger demons rip open rifts into the realm of life and send forth a Succubus to find new souls to subjugate and offer eternal suffering and pleasure in the hands of its new masters.   Magic: Magic is a power that runs throughout all the realms.