Dwarven Gods

The dwarves have a plentoria of Gods in their panthenon. The Gods share the same trais as the Dwarves have.    Dwarven gods:   Tempur: The creator of dwarves and the god of stone, ore and the mountains. Tempur is not a god you pray to and expect to get something from. He is worshipped by the sound of an pickaxe striking stone, the heat from ore being melted or the chill from being in a cave. He is often depicted as an very large dwarf with four hands. One pair working with a pick axe and one pair working with a hammer. Or a pick axe and a hammer crossed over each other.   Brimbut: The god of the axe, ale and war. Brimbut is depicted as a large strong dwarf in full battle attire, unless he is drinking ale, in which case he does not wear a helmet. His symbol is a alecasket with two crossed axes behind it. Brimbut according to dwarven traditions is a archenemy to the blackblood Gods.