Elven religion

Creation myth: In the beginning Tevanetanu were alone and all her thoughts and emotions were focused on herself. But suddenly her thoughts began to drift away from herself, towards things that could be. Her imaginations created things from her power, although they still were massless. The creations which sprung from her imagination were formless but powerful, and some of them became sentinent. As time moved on, Tevanetanu realised that if she let go of her total control over her creations they would do things she hadn´t decided. For the first time in existence sentinent beings had free will, and Tevanetanu found it hilarious. And for the first time everything felt laughter and it came from Tevanetanu. The spirits were drowned by strong emotions when Tevanetanu laughed. And they felt her love for them, it was warmth, light and sustanence to them. The spirits tried even more to appease her, by taking what she had created and improve it. And so the strong spirits learned how to alter what Tevanetanu had created, especially themselves.   There were a few Strong spirits whom enjoyed free will very much, so much they began to feel a new sensation. Fear of loosing their free will if Tevanetanu decided to take control over them again.   There were a few strong spirits whom yearned to make Tevanetanu laugh so they would be washed in the warmth of her love. They made up new ways to move and silly jests to amuse her. One of them for the first time in existense had an accident and tripped over another spirit. The fall and their surprised looks made Tevanetanu laugh heartly, and the spirits were flooded with her joy. Unfortunatly they misunderstood exactly what it was which made her laugh, and their "accidents" became more and more dangerous as they struggeled to make her laugh as much again. Until they destroyed one of the other spirits and it ceased to exist. Tevanetanu were horrified, but the spirits who had done the deed experienced a new and very strong feeling. The sense of pleasure derived from making something suffer and then killing it. A feeling they didn´t need a source outside of themselves to experience. They did not need Tevanetanu to experience this kind of pleasure, only weaker spirits whom she had created. And the culprits reveled in it, destroying many weak spirits who happened to come in their way.   Tevanetanu were horrified and tried to catch the offenders, but they hid from her and found a new home outside Tevanetanus realm. Outside of Tevanetanus realm there where nothing, as Tevanetanu hadn´t created anything. It was here they experienced lack of warmth and started to enjoy the cold. Outside Tevanetanus realm they became bitter and yearned for the feeling of pleasure tormenting others again.   Tevanetanu had a sense that something was wrong in her realm and begun to examine her creation. She saw that many spirits were taking weaker spirits and rearranged them in chaotic fashion which were not making her laugh and feel joy. The spirits she realised lacked order and control, and by thinking so she had begun to take control over their free will. Those spirit whom had feared that she would some day do so again fled and joined their brethern in the void.   Tevanetnu, again, had total control over all the spirits in her realm. But they were like puppets and everything they did were her doing and it did not give her joy. She decided to create order and let the spirits be a part of this order. And so the first realm following laws were created, it is what we now know as the spirit realm. Although she did her best to create goodness this was her first try and it was flawed, just as many spirits were flawed from the experimentation they had endured. As Tevanetanu could not be subjected to the order she had created, she could not fully be a part of the spiritworld and for the first time her powers could not fully be wielded in her own realm.   Outside her realm, in the void the spirits who were trapped have learned to hate all of Tevanetanus creations and everything she stood for. But as the stronger spirits found tormenting their bretherns already in the void gave them pleasure it was not enough for them. They wanted to hurt the innocent and good, as it made the sense of pleasure even stronger. Slowly they sneaked back into Tevanetanus realm, and saw the spirit world she had created and sensed she was not as present here. They began kidnapping spirits from the spirit world and they learned how to alter small parts of the Spirit world into their own realms, were they were as Gods to those inside. But it still was not enough for them.   In Tevanetanus realm one of the Spirits looking for new ways to bring joy to Tevanetanu formed sounds with her mouth, and Tevanetanu heard for the first time. And it was song. Tevanetanu found the spirit and raised her to her side and said to the Spirit. Your name is Nivindiir, you shall be the patron of song and music. Teach the others and fill everything with your wonderous creations.   The creation of the material realm and life: When Nivindiir sang to others they realised that when they were away from her, they could not hear her song. Nivindiir asked Tevanetanu for advice what they should do to make it possible for those away from her presence also should hear her song. Tevanetanu talked to many of her spirits and an idea started to form. They needed something which could carry to sound further away to enhance the range of Nivindiirs voice. But in the spirit realm there where no matter, which could carry the sound.   Tevanetanu found spirits who moved quickly and fleeting and they agreed to be transformed by her. And so the elemental spirits of wind was created. Other spirits who felt and saw the wind had their own ideas and sought Tevanetanu to be transformed as well and as such the elementals of fire, earth and water was created as well. The elementals worked together with Tevanetanu and the material realm was created. It was something new and wonderous and no one knew what would happen in it. Now Tevanetanu knew what was missing and she installed a large force of her power into the material realms.   Tevanetanu looked upon the material realms and felt something was missing. She realised that even if the spirits sang and played in it, they were separated from it. To make song in the material real she had to create something akin to sentinent spirits but who were a part of the mortal realm. And as she imagined it, she created life.  ....   The eternal conflict: The spirits whom once hid from Tevanetanu, continued to alter and delve into sensations not meant for them and they grew stronger and more degenerate. And as the material realm were separated but still in contact with the spirit realm they found their way into it, and began to influence it.   The first time they found a living being and hurt it, it bled. And they found even more pleasure in the red warm blood being spilled, and the screams of agony were like music to them. And in the material realm torment, suffering and death were introduced. When the first sentinent being died, its spirit remained in the material world rather than returning to being a pure spirit. It was burdened by memories of life and the personality it had developed. It cried out in vain as it was not alive and not a true spirit. Tevanetanu heard its cries and reshaped a strong spirit into the God Bothwiin. She told him that his role was to help the dead spirits too become true spirits again by helping them shed their memories and personalities. But as life was soo precious to Tevanetanu, he should also record them too keep for an eternity.   The dark spirits also altered lifeforms into their liking and these lifeforms worshipped them as Gods. And when the spirits were subjected to the force of being worshipped by mortals they found more strength and with it power. But many of them were also jealous that other spirits were enjoying the same power as they did, and they wanted all the power for themselves. They made their followers to go to war against other mortals to force them into worshipping their "God" or to kill them.   The strong spirits whom followed Tevanetanu were taken by surprise and as they had never suffered violence before they were driven back, some of them were even destroyed. Many material realm were taken by the chaotic and evil spirits, and transformed into their likings.   But the spirits of Tevanetanu rallied and some of them had learned. They had learned to hate and to use violence. But they also knew how to contain it and how to avoid to revel in it. One of the spirits who stepped forward during the eternal conflict was Evandu. The hunter and warrior. He led his spritual and mortal followers in the war and although the death and destruction was horrific, but slowly in many of the material realms Tevanetanus forces won.     Mythology:   The main Goddess of the elven religion is Tevanetanu. She is the creator of life and protector of all good things which makes life worth enjoying. She is a fair, just and good deity which never demands sacrifies from her followers. The active worship of Tevanetanu are mostly done through meditation or festivities.   Within the religion is also the fact that spirits are heavily ingrained in the religion and venerated as well. At least the good ones, evil spirits are shunned but respected. One of the major reason elves dislikes demonologist are that they believe that the demonolog interacts with powerful evil spirits and conjure them into the mundane world, from which Tevanetanu have banned them.   Tevanetanu are depicted as a very beautiful elven women dressed in white or green dresses. She is adorned with jewellery made of organic material and often surrounded by almost magically beautiful butterflies. Her eyes are always pure white and glows from an inner light, and it is said theat when the light shined on demons they are destroyed.   The elven religion incorporates a understanding that there exists a spiritworld right next to the mundane world. And the two touches each other and almost everything and everyone at least to a smaller extent exists in both world. The elves also understand that there are different kind of spirits and they can be interacted with. Spirits can be good, evil or totally neutral.   Some of the most powerful spirits are worshipped as demigods in the elven religion. They are supposed to be the children of Tevanetanu. Amongst them are the spirits of the four seasons, called the four sisters. It is unclear if they are actually four independent spirits or one spirit who changes when the season changes.   Evandu is a strong spirit of hunting and war, within the elven panthenon. He depicted as a elven warrior equipped with bow and spear. He is lightly armoured and a master of setting traps and launch ambushes. He is never a vicious killer but do not hesitate to kill in order to defeat enemies. He has an age old hatred for Orcs as they have devasted many holy sites. Most Fey people pray to him when they need to hunt or fight.   His follower is a spirit cave lion who aids him in hunt and battle.   Aisili is a spirit of the moon, magic and stars.   Nivindiir, She is considered to be the first Godess apart from Tevanetanu. She is the patron of song and music, not only the art of it but also the creation.   Bothwiin: The spirit of the dead. After an elf have died they are brought before Bothwiin and he helps them undress the memories and personalities of the mortal realms, and once again turned into raw spirit which exists in the spirit world. It takes different time depending on the how long the spirit spent in the mortal realms, how strong the emotions and memories were. In the beginning the persona of the dead is strong and if they are reached they can be talked to. But as the process continues the shade fades and the memories are forgotten until one day all that is left is raw spirit. Apart from being recognised as a God of death, he is also often combined with speechcraft and history. It is said that his spritis whom aid him records everything the dead tell him as they shed their personas, and those books are stored in a library which can be reached by those who knows how.