Encounters - Boronne

  • After the fall of dark the RPs see two men in classic Raxorian clothing running away after beating up a well known citizen, whom happens to be of Penner descents. The victim states that he got beaten up by Raxorians whom want their old kingdom back.
  • A young riark stands on a box holding a sermon for the poor of Boronne. He is charismatic and well spoken. Translating the words of Odo to Zoraki-Jori. Two of the city guard stand and watching him. If the poor gets unruly they will scatter them.
  • Two of the city guards are walking around and asking people if they have seen a woman named Ellise Fadrix. They describe her if the RPs do not know her. She is wanted for theft.
  • Two of the counts knight rides through the city on their way out of the city. Most people are respectful, but one man watches them and spits on the ground before he turns around and walk away.
  • Late at night a few of the counts men at arms have been on a rowdy night out, and very drunk they are making their way home. 
  • There is a debacle as a carts wheel have broken off. The owners are franticly trying to get help to fix it, while people around are either amused or irritated.
  • A band of young men, all dressed in Raxori clothes are trying to dominate the street. After a little while two city guards show up and after some harsh words the band loiter off, and everything settles down.
  • After the fall of dark the RPs encounter a fight in a small alley. It is members of the stonemasons guild whom are fighting a few dwarves. No weapons just fists.
  • Two older women gossiping about a recent death that where suspicious. It seems as the man was young and healthy but died in his sleep. He was alone and the door was locked from the inside, and there was no sign of break in. It is almost like a shadow sneeked into his house and killed him. He had earlier made an enemy of old Hallie whom are said to dabble in magic.
  • It seems as one of the merchants have had a break in. The robbers killed his watch dog with a crossbow before it reacted. It seems as they knew what they where doing. Theres seems to have been some similar break in the last year.
  • There is a rumour going than many young men have had nightmares including women. The old folks whom are in the know say that a "Mara" is loose in the city.
  • During the morning a body was found in an alley with a broken knife in the chest. The man is a known drunk and violant man. There are no witnesses or clues except for the dagger.
  • A small ball of light flashes through the sky heading toward the mages guild chantry.