Fire dragon

The mighty fire dragon is the most common amongst the true dragons of Ereb Altor. Although it is still very rare and most thinking individuals never get to see one in their life time. The fire dragon body is covered in red scales of different hues and their long sharp claws have been the bane of many would be heroes. But the thing fire dragons are most famous for is their ability to breath fire, and it uses it both for effect and attack. As far as dragons go they are not very versitale in magic or countering it. But they are very swift, agile and very good at using their fire breath.   The fire dragons vicious behaviour have impacted many settlements throughout history and impacted the cultures surrounding them. They are evil greedy and often demand tribute from the weaker races, a tribute in gold and food.   They are able to nest in all climates except for the most cold, and prefer to make their nests in distant caves. They usually mark their nest by burning the area surrounding the entrance.
100 100 35 22 19 23 -
KP: 68; SB: +6t6; L14, F51; Kropp: 10, Buk 5, Vingar 1
Skills FV
2 claws (1D8) 26
1 bite (1D8 (half SB)) 26
1 tail lash (1D4) 24
1 Fire breath (10D10) 19
Finna dolda ting 19
Smyga 19
Spåra 19
Upptäcka fara (awake) 19
Upptäcka fara (sleeping) 9
Besvärjelser 15
Skräckslå 0/15

Basic Information


Fire dragons looks like a  very large reptiles with bat like wings. From the four limbed body a long tail extends. The head of the fire dragon is large, bulky and often horned. All dragons horns are individual and also a source of pride for the dragon. The dragons  mouth are filled with large and very sharp teeth which are laced with saliva, at least until it breathes fire. Along the spines of most Fire dragons there is a row a sharp spines on which a human might easily become impaled.

Biological Traits

Fire dragons are considered fully grown when they reach approximately 100 years of age.   Breathe fire: A fire dragons fire breath reaches 50 meters and at the end it is 25 meters in diameter.

Genetics and Reproduction

It is unknown how, when and where dragons actually mate but it is known the females lays eggs and guard the hatchlings until they are large enough to hunt worthy prey.

Dietary Needs and Habits

It is well known dragons feast in meat, but it is unclear how often. Some tales tells of dragons demaning virgins as food once a year from settlement, and staying away for the rest of the year. But as scholars comments, it probably hunted other prey during the year. It is a well known fat that dragons can spend a long time in their lairs without emerging, and if they are asleep it can lasts for years or even decades. During this time it seems as dragons don´t eat at all. There is a theory amongst the learned that dragons actually do not need to feed at all but do it rather for fun. They enjoy installing fear, gourging in blood and the crushing of bones.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Fire dragons live alone unless they are raising their young. When the young reaches 100 years their mother encourages them to leave and find their own nests.

Facial characteristics

They have very sharp and strong teeth, and a very long and thin tounge. On the head there usually are two backwards leaning horns, but all individuals have other kinds of horns creating their own patterns. It is not uncommon for fire dragons to have a very sharp horn from the snout and pointing forward and excellent for impaling puny prey. The eyes are red and almond shaped gleaming with a vicious intelligence behind them.

Average Intelligence

Fire dragons are more intelligent than most other sapient species in Ereb Altor and according to themselves they are the most intelligent species od all. Most Fire dragons loves a intellectual challange and enjoys riddles or a discussion where they get to play with words. They also loves to be adored and feared.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Fire dragons have prefect eye sight which works functions at the same level even in pitch darkness. Their hearing is perfect and they are usually able to locate the source of a sound perfectlly enough to catch it in a cone off fire. With their smell they are capable to indentify race, age, gender and mood of anyone within 30 to 40 meters as long as they have earlier learned of the specie. Fire dragons also have a sixth sense which are so precise that they are able to use it to aim their fire breath.

Civilization and Culture

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Fire dragons do not consider any other species but dragons to be their equals. All living things should fear and respect them or they will perish. They demand tributes from other species and wreck havoc when they do not get it, and sometimes when they do . They know there are few who can stand against them and they enjoy it.
3000 years
Average Height
2 meters
Average Length
A full grown Fire dragon reaches around 10 meters length from tail to head.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
A Fire dragon are red in different shades.