
Most Ghosts are mostly just memories of the situation where they died. They aren´t aware of their surrounding and just experience strong emotianal points of their lives. Such as their death, which is the most common. But they can also be percieved talking a walk in the park with their most beloved child, which no one else can see. This is the cause of hauntings where a ghost is seen walking through a corridor and through a wall. A wall which wasn´t there during their lifetime.   But some more dangerous ghosts are the spirit of individuals whom have died while they had something important they needed to do in life. The willpower or strong emotions upon their last breath made their spirit tied to this world and to reach eternal rest the thing they needed to do must be solved.   A ghost who has not lost its mind usually only have one wish and that is to be granted eternal rest. Which can only be attained by finishing their mission. If the mission is such as they can not solve it by themselves they might offer to help someone if they promise to fullfill the mission. On the other hand if their mission is to guard a tomb they will use their powers to scare away or destroy an intruder.   By expanding one PSY point when the sun is down a ghost can interact with their surrounding until the sun rises. Unfortunatly as a undead the expended PSY point can´t be regained naturally. Ghosts can only sustain themselves and regain lost PSY points by strong emotions towards them from another sentient indivudal. And the easiest emotion to access and create is fear.   By "touching" a victim a ghost can drain them of 1 FYS point per SR. The point will be regained by resting a week per point. If the FYS reaches 0 the victim faints and might die if they do not get help.   Ghosts are tied to the place they died, their haunting, and can only move 25 meters from it. If they died in a castle they can only move 25 meters from the castle as it where when they die. If the castle later expands further they can not access the new parts of the castle. They can become invisible and are immaterial. They are also terrifying for living creatures.   STY: 0; STO: *1; FYS: 0; SMI: *2; INT: *1; PSY: *2; Terrify FV 5/10

Basic Information


A ghost are immaterial in their natural form and as such invisble. They can choose to become visible and will be seen as either a shadow moving by itself or as see through spectre, depending on how powerful it is. The corporeal form is based on how the ghost looked when it died. A ghost who died by beaheading often carries its head in its arms.


Many ghosts do not know that they are dead and spend their undeath prowling their old homes. They seldom cause any diffculties for the new occupants, who might not even know their homes are haunted.   But a ghost who were formed with a strong sense of having something which needs to be done or died through a sudden violent cause, often tries to interact with the living. Many times they are more or less insane as their passing were chaotic.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Ghost do not see as living do. They rather percieve their haunting as it was in their life, meaning if you put up a new wall in their old house they cant see it. They can detect life in their haunting and percieve it as a glowing mass formed as the physical form of the living.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Ghost visage are based on how the body where at the time of their death. it could mean bowels falling out from the stomach and a cut off head. They are a immaterial visage and never appears solid. Eve though you can clearly see them you will se whats behind them. A ghost can choose to only let parts of it be seen. They can make sounds but not interact with the enviroment. You might hear a door slamming shut, but there will not be a door slamming shut.