
Griffons is a highly aggressive and dangerous airborne predator. They are present in many cultures as majestic and carrier of a warriors soul. As they can be trained a captured Griffon is worth a lot of money, and they might be found for sale in specialised marketplaces, such as Ransard. Several individuals and groups have made a small fortune selling Griffon eggs or a really young speciement.   STY: 21; STO: 14; FYS: 13; SMI: 17; INT: 5; PSY: 13. KP: 14; SB: +1T4. 4 point natural protection. 2 claws(1D6) FV 16; 1 Bite (1T6) FV 12; Finna dolt 13; Upptäcka fara FV 13

Basic Information


Griffons are about the same size as a horse and as such ridable by most sentinent species. The head of a Griffon are that of a bird of prey, usually reminiscent of an eagle. While body is that of a lion with large eagle wings just above the fore legs. All paws have large and sharp claws and just as a lion it has a long tail.

Genetics and Reproduction

Griffons are eggs layers and gets 1 to 4 which they nurture in a nest. Although they can breed in captivity it is uncommon for them to do so.

Ecology and Habitats

Griffons live high up in the mountains in temperate and cold enviroments. But weaker specimens who have been driven from their turf by stronger predators regulary make their nests in lower altitudes.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Griffons are exclusive meat eaters and they love horse meat more than anything.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Griffons are solitary beings until it is time to breed. During breeding time they live together in pair until their offspring are strong enough to leave the nest. At that time the female chase of the male and she keeps the nest.


If a Griffon are caught early thay can be trained to let a rider travel upon them. A trained Griffon excel in combat and seems to enjoy it.

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Many parts of the Griffon are strong ingridience in many alchemy potions.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Griffons are most common in temperate and cold enviroments where they build their nests high up in the mountains.

Average Intelligence

As they are predators they need a high level of problem solving and as such are usually smarter than their prey. But far from the level where they can be considered as intelligent.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Just as birds of prey a Griffon have almost perfect vision, which can pinpoint small prey hidden in the bushes far below. The hearing and sense of smell is subpar that of humans.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
The lion body are golden with a thick fur, which are transformed into a dark brown feather on the head.