Hill giant

Hill giants are a subspecies of the giant strain. They are the smallest of giants and have no regular contact with other giant species. Hill giants make their homes in hills and the lower parts of mountains where they live on small secluded villages. They are herders and farmers, and specialises in sheeps and long haired cows. The houses of the villages are made of stone, wood and mud.   Their craft skills are basic but singing and storytelling is were they excel. The Gigants haven't develoved any warrior class and as such have no need for weapons. instead they use their everyday tools as weapons when need be. Their strenght and size usually compensate for their lack of real weapons.   Hill giants prefer to live a peaceful life away from others and a good day is a day without adventures. Although they are a peaceful race they live in an enviroment made up by hostile monsters. Hill giants defend themselves, their livestock and their homes from these raids but do not attack or try to drive the aggressors away from the region. As the most common raiders are the local orc tribes, the gigants have learnt to detest them, especially the ogres (rese) whom are approximatly as strong as they are.  
34 40 19 9 11 11 7
KP: 30, SB: +2D6 Naturligt skydd: 2 p skin   Fists (1D3) 5, Kick (1D6) 5, Close combat weapon 6, Sneak 1, Hide 1, Upptäcka fara 7, Climb 4 Förflyttning L16

Basic Information


They look precisely as humans but are much larger. They easily reach 3.5 meters and around 4 is not uncommon. Their livestyle makes them use their muscles and as they do not have an opulence of food they are usually in a good physical fit.

Genetics and Reproduction

Most women have three kids in their life span.   They are more or less immune against inbreeding problems.

Growth Rate & Stages

They follow the same grow rate as humans and are considered grown ups around the age of 18.

Ecology and Habitats

They live on or in close proximity to mountains, prefering hilly areas.

Additional Information

Social Structure

A few families live together in villages, and villages have a lot of contact with each other.

Average Intelligence

Their intelligence are mostly the same as humans, but as their level of civilisation are less they may seem simple to an educated human.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Their eye sight and hearing are in the same range as humans.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

The parents usually give the child a name they think fit or they like. As they grow up they usually aquire a nickname based on what they do or like. One example would be Goron Milkdrinker. When they meet other Gigants from other villages they usually add the village name as well.

Average Technological Level

The level of technology is low. They can reforge iron into crude farming tools. Mostly they prefer making tools of stone or wood.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

They use the local human language, but with their own dialect.

Common Etiquette Rules

Being hospitable and extending their home and food to visitors is important to them. But they do not like it when someone take advantage of their hospitality.

Common Dress Code

Easy cut clothes in fur and hide.

Culture and Cultural Heritage

They are peacful and do not like violence. They like singing and telling stories. In every village there is a shaman and his apprentince. They usually know a few spells but are very good at casting them.   Their contact with the local human population are sporadic at best, but common enough to rub of on the gigants. A visiting human from the local humans would recognise parts of the culture of the gigant villages.

Common Customs, Traditions and Rituals

The gigants have a strong oral tradition and as such singing and storytelling are common. If you are out in the mountains and you hear someone singing you are probably closing in on a lone gigant herder.   Do not kill if it is avoidable

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Gigants avoid black blood species as it almost always ends in violence.   They can do deals with other sapient races, but try to shorten the contact.
200 years
Average Height
3.5 meter
Average Physique
Most gigants work all day with their bodies making them well built.