
The sight of a Hippogriff playing in the air is actually a quite common in the southern parts of Ereb Altor where there is mountains high enough for them. Further north they become more rare as they are hunted by the larger and stronger Griffon. Although Hippogriffs are a playful and acrobatic animal it is still a predator which will fight viviously to protect it self or its nest.   Hippogriffs are dive hunters and very agile as such. They have no problem diving from high and change their trajectory in the last second, carrying their prey away in their beak or claws.  

Basic Information


The Hippogriff seems to a conjurgation of other species. It lower body is that of a horse which normally is white as snow. While the upper body is that of a bird of prey, with claws, beaks and wings. The bird of prey colouring is often golden brown with yellow feathers.

Ecology and Habitats

Hippogriffs are found in mountain areas where they make their nest on high and hard to reach cliff sides.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Hippogriffs feed on small game and is especially fond of small deers. Their foundness for deer meat could make them forget the situation they are in in order to focus on hunting the deer.

Additional Information


Hippogriffs can be domesticated and trained to carry a rider. They can also be trained to fight alongside their owner as well. But they will never be totally reliant as if they see a deer they can forget that there is a rider upon them.

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Some barbarian uses the claws for weaponry. And the skull as a mask and helmet. In theory the leather can be used as ordinary leather.   The eyes of Hippogriffs are used in some alchemical tinktures that enhances eyesight or seeing in different ways.   The feathers of Hippogriffs are used in alchemical tinktures related to flying or loss of weight.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Hippgriffs are quite common in the southern moutain ranges, such as the Aidne mountains.

Average Intelligence

Hippgriffs are predators and as such quite intelligent for an animal.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

The perception of a Hippogriff is on the same level as an eagle, and from very high up they can spot movement from small game on the ground.
Average Height
Hippgriffs are usually in the same size as a large horse.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
The lower part of a Hippogriff is usually snow white but there are some populances which have other colours such as brown and black. But if they are mated with a white hippogriff the offspring are ususally white.