
The people known as Howaths live close to Torshem. They descend from the northern barbarians but their long trade and intermarrige with Jori people have made them into a people of their own.   The Howath people came from the northern plains north of the Nidamountains. Inlike other tribes they had developed a more agricultural traditions with the nomadic lifestyle becoming less dominant. They realised that the palins were not good for agriculture and sought new lands in the south. It was found in the area known as Torshem. It was more suited for agriculture and when contact with the Jori cultures was made a more permanent settlement lifestyle became dominant. It lasted until the conflux when the Howath had to go back to their nomadic lifestyle. It wasn't until around 500 A.O. that some Howath clans decided to become more settled again.   Until the Conflux when they abandoned their settlements and turned to a nomadic lifestyle in the forest to survive. Once the dwarves arrived they started trading with them and venerated their wisdom and craftsmanship.   The Howath people are used to a hard life filled with struggle and this have severely influenced their culture.   Today there is two distinct lines of Howaths, the forest living nomads and the mountain living Howaths.   The mountain clans live in the mountian valleys or on the slopes of the mountains. Some have moved even further down and made their homes on the hills leading up to the mountains. They live in permanent buildings made of stone with wooden roofings. The houses often have three rooms. They are mostly hunters and have some complementary agriculture. The mountain Howaths are a warlike people of often gathers to raid others. But their pride prohibits them from choosing people who are not their equals. Mountain Howaths often use a round shield and a leather harnesk. On their head they have a pot helmet. Commonly they arm themselves with a bow, throwingspear and a handaxe or shortsword.   The forest clans live within the forests. Those who have chosen a more settled life often live within a wooden longhouse made up of one room. Within the room there is three to four hearths to spread warmth and fire. Along the walls there are wooden benches. The forest people usually eats berries, nuts, plants and mushrooms collocted in the nature. Their settlements are often surrounded by a logwall to keep animals out. Just as the mountain Howaths the forest howaths pride makes them fight fair. If they go to battle and realise they are stronger, they will remove people from the battle to keep it fair. They prefer harnesks made of Leather or studded leather with a Vendel helmet on the head. They carry a round shield in their off hand. Mostly they arm themselves with a short bow, a long spear and a hand axe.


Major language groups and dialects

Howathi:  Howathi is a language from the Narguri family, but it is heavily influenced by the Jori languages. To the extent that many other people from the Narguri family cant understand Howathi.

Culture and cultural heritage

Although they stem from the northern plains horses are seldom used in the thick forests the Howats live in. It is very uncommon for Howaths to know how to ride. A well trained dog is more valued than a horse, and often a thing of pride to the owner.

Shared customary codes and values

Howaths value bravery, loyalty, endurance, generosity, speechcraft. They also value friendship, and being generous, loyal and hospitable towards their friends is considered high value. This is not extended to their enemies to whom they can be cruel, ruthless and vindictive.

Art & Architecture

Mountain Howaths: Mountain Howaths prefer building small houses collected in a village. Each house is made for a family and made of stone with a wooden roof. The houses are separated from each other with a small wall made of stone.   Forest Howaths: They prefer to live communily in a large windowless longhouse with three to four hearths for light and warmth.

Foods & Cuisine

For all Howaths gathering and the food you can find in nature is important in their cooking, and stews and soups make up a base for the cooking. Especially amongst the settled Forest Howaths were cooking is a communal daily event. The base stew is cooked in common kettles, but every little family often spice their food in their way. Food becomes part of your individuality in a strong community.

Common Customs, traditions and rituals

The clan is the fundamental organisations for the Howaths and it is to be seen as a extended family. where everyone in some way is a relative. The leader of a clan is called Wagas, and is often a elderly wise and respected leader who throughout his or her life have showned aptidute for hunting and diplomacy. The Wagas rules in cooperation with other men and women who are respected by the clan.    The Howath as a whole is led by a Herse who mostly have been male, as the Herse also is a warleader and most warriors are men. The Herse takes all the decisions which will affect the Howath people as a whole. Once a year all Howath try to gather to discuss the year past, and if much have gone wrong they might blame the Herse and remove him. If it has been exceptionally bad decisions taken he might even be exiled. A Herse is subject to much respect from the Howath people, but it easily turns into hate if he does not have the Howaths best in mind.


Beauty Ideals

Howaths are often tall, well built and have long blond hair. The eyes are blue or steel grey. Most have many tatooes as a way to show their pain endurance. The men often have well kept moustaches and/ or beards which they spend much time grooming. It is pride.

Gender Ideals

Women are often just as temperemental as the men and their equal in all things. Women can become chieftans of the tribe (herses).