
Jori evolved from the language spoken in the old Jordpagna. It a common language in the Aidne peninsula with several dialects.   Imperial Jori: the imperial Jori is sometimes called High Jori and is the language spoken in Imperium Jorpagna. Today it is a dead language that is not spoken, but it is often used in writing by scholars and in official letters. Learning how to read and write Imperial Jori is considered a necessity for people who are going to work with administration on a high level, but also for nobles and especially for scholars. Almost all important lecture in the countries who where once a part of the Imperium Jorpagna are written in Imperial Jori.   Low Jori: Low Jori is the common language spoken today in the countries who where once part of Imperium Jorpagna. Almost all of them are slowly developing into different languages. A perfect example is Zorakin and Kardien whom are neighbouring countries but where the spoken dialects are so different that communication between two individuals can lead to large misunderstandings. The Kardian dialect uses many words from the old Echter language as the Ecths are the nobles of the land and often use this language in day to day basis.