Kvizur dwarves

Leader: Basad   The clan of Dwarves named Kvizur originally came from the "Grynnerbergen" to the Nida mountains in search of new ore findings. When they found several very large ore deposits of high quality they decided to make their new home in the Nida mountain around 177 A.O. As there were many Black bloods in the mountains they waged war against them, until the population were more manageble.   Today the clan is approximatly 200 inhabitants large and most of them make their homes beneath the Nida mountains. Kvizur Kan is the name of the small surface village which is mostly kept to give a homely place for emissaries and merchants. By keeping dwarves on the outside the dwarves do not have to let anyone inside their stronghold. In Kvasur Kan they do not keep anything of value and in case of invasion it will be torn down and all dwarves will retreat inside the stronghold.   Clan Kvizur make their livings from ore mining, smelting and production of iron, copper and lead. Their craftmen also produce tools, weapons and jewellery which they trade with the merchants in Torsborg in exchange for food, cloth and fuel. They are very skillfull negotiators and have no qualms against playing the merchants agains each other.   The dwarves also mints copper coins which they use as payment, especially when they trade directly with farmers and hunters.


The clan originally comes from the "grynnerberg" where they were a small clan. Their scouts found the Nida mountain and relised there could be valuable ore within the mountain range.    A decision was mabe to temporarily move the clan to the mountainrange in order to evaluate it. There were large deposits of ore within the mountain range and even though it was heavily populated with black bloods the decision were made to move to the mountains.   The war with the black bloods were more intense and violent than the clan leaders had anticipated and the losses were worse than expected, making them a even smaller and weaker clan.

Demography and Population

Today there are around 200 dwarves where 10 are to old to work, while 15 are to young to work.


They consider themselves the sheperds and rulers of all Nida mountain, but the truth is that they are too weak to live up to the claim. In reality they only have one settlement and the mines which extends from it. The territory they can truly claim is the south of the Nida mountains.


As much as they can they try to follow the old traditions of specialisations af the cast system. But in truth almost all adults are part of the militia and have to sere more often. As such even for being dwarves each individual is battle hardened and have good military equipment.   The warrior class contains of 15 individuals who leads the militia.   As they do not have the manpower for scouting and sentinels they actually pay the mountain Howaths to fulfill the role.   The full time warriors are equipped with scalemail covering the torso with extra metal plates. All made of dwarven steel.  They have crossbows, and a doublehanded warhammer of the best quality dwarves can produce.

Foreign Relations

The Kvazir kingdom only have diplomati contact with Torshem and the surrounding inhabitats.    They are at war with all Blackbloods in the Nida mountain.

The song of the hammer against the anvil.

Founding Date
177 A.O.
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Power Structure
Feudal state
Economic System
Market economy
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