
Secret: The Lindemen are the remnants of the Lindiskarne people of Zorakin.

Naming Traditions

Feminine names

They use names of the local culture

Masculine names

They use names of the local culture

Family names

They use names of the local culture


Major language groups and dialects

They have forgotten their own language and make do with the local language. in their traditions and rituals they use phrases they do not understand but must be from their own language.

Shared customary codes and values

Most trueborns Lindemen are kind and merciful and try to avoid confrontation. They have an aptitute for craft and art and can spend hours admiring it.

Art & Architecture

Those trueborn Lindemen whom have become arcitechts usually make a name of themselves. But they always goes to great lenghts to improve on the local arcitecthure rather than inventing new.

Common Customs, traditions and rituals

Asking the question: Are you feeling Lindi? If the recipient is a trueborn or family of one they answer: That I am. Then the questioner asks: Have you visit Pharrynck? And the recipient answers: It is no more. That is how they show that they are a Lindemen.

Common Taboos

It is taboo for a Lindemen to start a fight or make unneccesary kills.

Common Myths and Legends

Their lost kingdoms and the slaughter of their people.


Beauty Ideals

All true born Lindemen are tall and blond, often with long hair and clear blue or green eyes.

Gender Ideals

Men should be stout and not bow down. They should be ready to defend their home and family but always show mercy. No Lindemen should draw weapons first.

Courtship Ideals

They usually abide to the local courtship ideals. If they are courting another trueborn Lindemen they use traditions and phrases they do not understand, but have been learned from early age.

Relationship Ideals

To be a large family whom protects each other.

Major organizations

They do not have any major organisations as they live in hiding. Most families try to maintain contact with at least a few other families.