
  Manticores do not come from the realm of Ereb Altor, but are conjured by magicians and bound to follow their orders until they have served their purpose or died trying. Although they are summoned to Ereb Altor they are very much material creatures, and will bleed and die as all other biological creatures. But they can not reproduce in this realm, neither do they age or get sick. Neither do they starve, they are predators and will eat, but they will never take any damage for lack of food. But they will be very hungry though.   Manticores are intelligent but compared to humans they are not very smart. Theyy are a dangerous foe though as they are apex predators, who knows full well how to stay hidden and sneak up on their adversaries.   Manticores have their own language which is hard for other species to learn as they lack the throat and mouth of Manticores. Some Manticores who have been in this realm for a long time have learned to speak the language of the culture they reside in.

Basic Information


Manticores look like large lions with mane and all, but their facial structures are a blend of cat and man. Their tale is a large scorpions tail which ends in a 1T6+2 stingers filled with poison. These can be shot away up too STY squares. Any lost stinger are regrown one per day up too maximum number.

Genetics and Reproduction

Manticores do not reproduce in this realm, and no one knows how they reproduce in the realm they come from.


Manticores in this realm are conjured and bound creatures, who have a purpose. The purpose will be at the core of their behaviour. In general they have as different personalities as humans, some are aggressive while other are peaceful. A peaceful Manticore who have been bound to guard a site will try to persuade intruders to leave, while a aggressive most likely will attack.

Additional Information

Facial characteristics

The face of a Manticore are a blend of large cat, with humanlike features.

Average Intelligence

Manticores are true sentinents and as such capable of higher reasoning. But most are, compared to humans, not very smart.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Manticores primary sense is olfactory and hearing. Most are longsighted and see the world close by in a blur.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Manticores are always brown red in its fur, and it can be hard to tell them apart. The mane of the manticore often are more reddish than the body fur.