
  Minotaurs are large monsters whom looks like a mix of humans and bulls.          
STY 35
STO 23
FYS 13
SMI 13
INT 10
PSY 11
KP 18
SB +1T10
Skills: 1 Bite (1T6 + half SB) 8, 2 Fists (1T3) 10, 1 Kick (1T6) 5, one or twohanded weapon 10, 1 Bullcharge (1T6) 6, Sneak 2, Hide 3, Sense danger 4, Climb 4   Förflyttning: L12, Natural protection: 3 ABS skin

Basic Information


Minotaurs are at least 2 meters and up to 3 meters tall, but most are 2,5 meters. They are muscular and their bodies are covered in brown to reddish fur. The heads are that of a bull with large horns and reddish eyes.

Genetics and Reproduction

Minotaurs are mammals and breed the ordinary way for mammals.

Ecology and Habitats

Most Minotaurs live on the plains of central Ereb Altor. They are also found in forests which are not very deep. There are Minotaurs found in human cities but they are often exiles from their tribes, and probably amongst the smartest of the species as they manage to navigate the civilised cultures.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Minotaurs are omnivores but prefer meat. There have been minotaurs who were vegetarians and they can sustain on a pure vegan diet as well.


Minotaurs are usually gathered in small tribes which roams far between. The tribes of regions are loosly interconnected and if a huge danger is percieved they join together to form a unified defence. Some scholars hypothesises that this is a major reason the human civilisations never have spread into the central Ereb. Some of the armies sent to colonise have been butchered by joined tribes of Minotaurs.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Minotaurs are social creatures who live in small tribes, made up of a few families. The rank of each individual in the tribe is determined by their strength, and the combat for tribe rank can become vicious as young individuals try to find their place. Although injuries are common, death is not and the wounded are cared for by the tribe. Failure to gain rank is not considered a failure or dent of honour, but rather try again later.

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Minotaur horns are often used as a magical regeant in alchemy. And barbarian tribes use them for bone carving.

Facial characteristics

The face of a minoutur is that of a bull, all with small differences separating them from each other.

Average Intelligence

Most Minotaurs are not very smart and knowledge is never important in the tribe lives. But as they are individuals there are some who are much smarter than others, and they usually grow frustrated and try to find other sapient races to live with.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Their eye sight is not as good as humans but their hearing is much better.  Their strongest sense is smell and they use their bodyscent as a part of identification of who they are.

Civilization and Culture

Average Technological Level

Minotaur tribes are on the stone age level, they know how to construct tools made from stone and wood. But their formidable strength, endurance and size makes it unecessary to use tools. Why make an axe to fell a tree when you have the strength to rip it up och break it apart.

Common Dress Code

Minotaurs do not use clothes, apart from covering their waists in cloth.


The history of Minotaurs are unknown but it is theorised that they were created by a powerful magician in ancient times. The reasoning is that there are no known Gods of Minotaurs and there are no known relative species to them.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Minotaurs are in general aggressive towards other races and chase them away from their campsites. They do not kill but tries to scare them away. But if it doesn´t work they will kill without remorse.   But some young and curious Minotaurs leave their tribe behind and seek out other civilised species to live with them.
Average Height
2 to 3 meters. The avereage height is 2,5 meters.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Most of the minotaur is covered in fur, which adapts itself to the enviroment the individual lives in. In warm region the fur is short and light while in colder regions it grown longer and thicker. The colour are brown in different shades, where the colder the enviroment the darker it gets.