Novos orc hunters

In the County of Fort la Nord there is a small band of Orc hunter led by Novo The Half-Orc.   The group is led by Novo and have the last couple of years become accepted, but not liked by the populance in the area. The group always make sure to introduce themselves to the population when they enter an area, mostly to ask if they are aware of any blackblood raiding parties. As their reputation have grown the locals have started giving them food and other resources as thanks. Otherwise they often hunt and gather resources such as skin et cetera which they can use for trade as well as loot taken from Black bloods corpses. Unless they know who the loot belonged to, in which case they try to return it.   Some notable individuals sometimes hire them to rid an area of black bloods or hunt down a group for revenge, or retake the loot they gathered.   Novos group often enters the forest to hunt the local black bloods to deliver a message to them. Stay away from here!   Up until last week they had a fifth comrade, Angelique whom was killed in battle.   Novo: When you see him the first time he strikes you as odd. It is like the dimensions of his limbs do not really fit. Perhaps the arms are too long, and are they the same length? IsnĀ“t the legs a bit too short? His face is a little lumpy and the nose are big, and it has been broken a few times. His lower jaw potrudes too much and the teeth are too big. His eyes are bloodshot as if he is suffering from a hangover. But in his stare there is steel, and a keen intellect are clearly visible.   He is dressed in a worn gambesson with studded leather over, and on his head he wear a kettle hat. He has an old knights shield which he has painted dark red on the verge to brown, like coagulating blood. He wear a battleaxe at his belt, right next to a large dagger. He also have a crossbow and bolts.   Novos mother died when giving birth and his family put him by the door to the local church. He grew up an orphan and had a really hard life, full of violence and strife. From being a backstreet fighter the step into mercenary was short. When he was in a troupe protecting a merchant they came to a small band of orcs who had slaughtered a small family and were raping their daughter, he "snapped". He swore to Etin that he would do anything to stop anymore Half-Orcs being born in Zorakin. Since he has been spending his time hunting blackbloods in the outskirts of Brynhildur forest.   Novo have a clear distain for humanity and civilization, but his hatred for black bloods are stronger.   Narissa: Narissas fingers are too long and her shoulders are in different heights. Her head has a funny shape compared to humans and she is very hairy all over her body. Narissa is a half-orc just as Novo is. She is a trained healer with deep knowledge of herbalism, and for a half-orc she had quite a good upbringing. She heard of Novos quest and joined him. They both fell in love and are each others bedcomrades. She is very free speaking and if you get past the looks she is a nice person to be around. She wears a leather armor and have a handaxe and small shield for combat. In combat she usually stays back and throws her three axes, and protects the camp and mules.   Daubin: Daubin is a former scout who have had enough of Black-bloods after many years in different nobles retinues. He is in his late 30th and knows he will die unbesung and forgotten somewhere in the wilderness. He seldom speaks and gives a very laconic impression. He wears a gambesson with studded leather above and have leather cup on his head. He wear a longbow with quiver, and in his belt he has a Falchion. On his back he has a small roundshield.   Louve: Louve is a hunter who joined the band one year ago after his lover were killed by a Goblin. He is of Raxorian descent and grew up in Barony Garoux. He is a quite small but sturdy man with a full beard, which he wears in braids. In camp he is jovial and like to joke and laugh. He is the person the group sends into settlement for introductions and trade. He wears a gambesson and studded leather armor and have a kettlehat on the head. He is armed with a heavy crossbow and a quiver with it. He also carries a spear and a shield for combat. In his belt hangs a broad axe as well.   Camp: They have gathered much equipment over the years, and have two mules to carry it all. And a handcart which they draw with them. They make sure to always have a keg of beer. They are all good hunters and as such they have food when necessary, but they supplement it with a large sack of grain, from which they make potridge as the stable base. Narissa can usually scrounge up herbs and mushrooms, making them eat better than most other peasants. They seldom bother to much over which lord have hunting rights as they mostly hunt in the Brynhildur forest. They usually set up a camp which is semi-permanent and hunt from it. The camp is well camouflaged and might be hard to find. Usually Daubin and Louve are out tracking while Novo and and Narissa stays in camp. When the trackers have found a target they return to camp and get Novo. If they target seems harder than usual Narissa will join them, even if it means leaving the camp unprotected.