Nymphs - Najad, Oread, Dryad

The Najad, Oread and Dryad are a type of natural spirit called nymph. Nymphs are tied to a source or place that is strongly connected to the spirit world. They are a curious kind of spirit whom often have a love for the material world and the senses they can explore. A dryad considers the sensation of just touching the bark of her tree hilarious, not to mention humans soft skin with the small soft hair. All nymf spirits have the following traits in common.
  • All nymfs have a spirit connection. For a dryad it is a tree, for oreads its a meadow or something similar and for Najads its a spring or other source of water. in their human form they can freely move up to 100 meters from their spiritular source. If they need to move further from the source they have to expand a PSY point, which will be returned when they return to the 100 meter range.
  • A nymph cannot be killed. If she is killed the body transforms into dust or water and she is returned to the spirit world. The only way to kill a nymph is to destroy her spirit connection in the material world. It will force her to remain in the spirit world until she finds a new spiritual connection point. Which might be on the other side of Ereb Altor.
  • A nymph can change between solid form and ethereal form at will. When in ethereal form they are invicible.
  • A nymph have the ability to heal (HELA 1t6 KP) with lay on hands.
  • A nymph can try to charm a intelligent male. (Her KAR against the males INT on motståndstabellen). If the man is charmed he can not even consider harming her in any way and must succeed in a very hard PSY roll to leave her. Malicous nymphs enjoys charming males and have them fight to death for her.
Dryads Dryads are tree spirits or forests nymphs whom live in forest clearings. One of the trees in the clearing is the nymphs spiritual connection. What kind of tree the dryad have as a connection are often visible in the looks of the dryad. All dryads are beautiful by human standards, but a oak dryad usually have a filled out body and large curly hair which defies gravity. A dryad from a pine are tall and slim with straight hair that almost touches the ground and a dryad from a (björk) have pale skin with many freckles. In general a dryad do not like intelligent people who moves into their territories and try to turn them away. But each dryad have their own personalities. Some are evil, some are mild and good and some really do not bother with short lived species. A dryad have full control over all growing things in her clearing up to 50 meter from her tree. She can make flower grow and blossom in a snowstorm, she can make carrots grow to edible in seconds and she can make root snare the legs of enemies.
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KP: 12 2 nävar (1t3) 4, 1 spark (1t6) 4, Smyga 8, Gömma sig 8, Upptäcka fara 16, klättra 8 Förflyttning L10   Najad Najads make their homes within a water spring, a waterfall, a strong current in a river or someplace similar. When a Najad is within water they can choose to become water and cannot be hurt in that state. There are actually several different scholary names of Najads depending on where they are found. But in reality there is no difference between them. There are Nereids which makes their homes in strong currents, oceanids which makes their homes in the sea, potameider who lives in rivers and limnades which lives in lakes. In their human forms Najads usually looks like a very beautiful human woman, usually very pale and with long hair. Usually there is something in their looks which represents their chosen habitat. A najad living in the ocean might have green eyes. Najads are considered the most vicious of nymphs as they have been known to lure males to their death by drowning. But according to scholars many of these rumours comes from mistaken identities with Sirens. Or the fact that nymphs do not understand death and that living males need to breathe air. A Najad have full control over her home and approximatly 50 meter surrounding it. She can control waves, currents and how the water flows within it.
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KP: 12 2 nävar (1t3) 4, 1 spark (1t6) 4, Smyga 8, Gömma sig 8, Upptäcka fara 16, Klättra 8 Förflyttning L10   Oread Oreads are the spirits of mountains, hills, caves and valleys. Scholars divide them into two different species based on where they are found. Limonades are the meadow- and flower nymphs. Aulonaids are the valley nymphs. Oreads material form is always pretty human females. The hair is often brown or blond and the eyes are almost always clear blue eyes. Oreads are the most peaceful of nymphs and seldom become evil or vicious as their habitats are large and hard to threaten or destroy. Oreads can also be seen in groups as a large meadow can contain several spirits due to its size.
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KP: 12 2 nävar (1t3) 4, 1 spark (1t6) 4, Smyga 8, Gömma sig 8, Upptäcka fara 16, Klättra 8 Förflyttning L10

Basic Information


All nymphs take the form of beautiful human women, and while their looks varies between individuals there will always be a streak of their spiritual connection point.

Additional Information

Average Intelligence

When they are in within the material world their intelligence is on par with a human. But if they release themselves from a connection with the material world they become free spirits and their intellect become on par with that. As they in many ways are spirits even in the material realms, they lack understanding of what living persons need and actually are. Some nymphs who spend a long time with mortals eventually learns their needs, but will never fully understand it. Nymphs who are new or haven't understood it yet might very well fall in love with a beatiful man, enchant him to just stare at her with love until he starve to death. Then she will not understand why he just lay there not answering to commands, and she will get furious and have him shred to peaces. Then she will just sit there and loom for a few years. Each nymphs developes personalities of their own, based on their experiences. If she sees her homes ravages by mortals she might become evil and try to hurt them before they hurt her. Other become compassionate and love to interact with mortals. One thing that is common for all nymphs is that they always strive for experiencing sensations such as strong feelings, touching, smelling, tasting et cetera. the stronger the sensation the better.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

The can feel everything that is happening within 50 meters from their spiritual accesspoint. Otherwise their perceptions is on pair with humans.

Civilization and Culture

Common Myths and Legends

Nymphs are prevailent in almost all cultures myths and legends. In some they are evil and must be avoided or destroyed and in other they are wise and compassionate. In many legends there are stories of nymphs charming young men who are never seen again.
The spiritworld
until destroyed