Sea serpent

  Sea serpents are huge serpent like monsters which populate most of the known seas and large inlande lakes. They are related to dragons and are often categorized as lesser dragons by the scholars. They have no arms or wings and lacks the ability to fly or grapple their prey. On the other hand they have one large and sharp horn in the middle of the forehead.   Sea serpents are vicious predators who mostly prey on whales, dolphines, giant squids, sharks and big fishs. But if possible they consider humans and their likes as food as well.

Basic Information


Sea serpents are a head with no neck connected to a very long snake body. They have no arms, legs or wings. The head looks like a dragon head but have a duckfoot like growth of bone on each side of the head, where ears usually are located on other species.

Growth Rate & Stages

The newly born younglings swim upstream rivers to protect themselves from cannibalism and large predators of the sea. They stay in the rivers until they have reached approximatly 2 meters of length, when they return to the sea once they came from.

Ecology and Habitats

Most mature sea serpents make their home in the seas and its saltwater. but they can live in sweet water as well and can be found in large inland lakes. Their younglings live in rivers.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Mature sea serrpents live on large prey which they hunt. Amongst their pray both whales and giant squids and octopussyes can be found.

Additional Information

Uses, Products & Exploitation

While they are youngling the meat is eatable but does not taste very much, but as they grow older the meat becomes hard to digest for most humans. The skin is beautiful and in some societies they make clothes or other leather products from the skin. But is not very durable, and therefore mostly rich people uses it.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Sea serpents have been recorded in all waters of Ereb Altor.

Average Intelligence

They are animals and have an animal range of intelligence. But they are predators and as such have the abilty to adapt and learn. There are many tales of sea serpents following ships in anticipation of a sailor falling into the sea. They have also been known to attack smaller boats by gather speed from the deep.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

The eyesight is not very well developed but they see clearly beneath the water. Their sense of hearing are exceptional compared to humans and they are drawn to rythmical sounds, such as oars.
Average Height
They can become up to two meters thick.
Average Length
Sea serpents up to 40 meters have been spotted, but most common is around 20 meters.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Most sea serpents are blue or green, with the upper body being much darker than their belly.