
Skeletons are the bones of a dead individual or animal, whom have been reanimated and walk again. The most common way for bone to be reanimated are through a necromancer who reanimate them, but there are known cases of skeletons entering this existance through rifts in reality.   A skeleton are held together by the forces of magic and lacks a will of its own. They will follow the orders from their creator until they get other orders. When they are created the magician decide what they are used for and the forces of magic imbudes them with rudimentary skill and understanding for their usage. If for example the magician wants a baker, the skeleton will have basic knowledge needed to complete the task. If the baker skeleton gets the order bake bread, it will bake a basic bread until the spell is broken, it gets a new order or runs out of materials. The bread will be basic and boring but it will be bread.   The most common use for skeletons are as guards of a specific place and as such they are often equipped with rudimentary arms and armor which they sort of can use.   As skeletons are made up of mostly ari, piercing weapons seldome cause them any damages, on the other hand blunt weapons have a tendency to create more damage.   A skeletons stats are based on the animal or individual it is created from and the strenght of the casted spell. The numbers below are for natural occuring skeletons rather than re-animated skeletons.  
*0,4 - 2 0 *0,2 - *1 *0,05 - 0,25 ?

Additional Information

Average Intelligence

Skeletons lack anything we can describe as intelligence or creativity. They do what they are ordered to do.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Skeletons view lifeforce as weak light in a grey and dull world. The range is based on the strength of enchantment. Their lack of intelligence some times make them misunderstand what the life force is, especially if they are focused on fullfilling their orders. Such as guard this part of the corridor and the life force is not in the corridor.