The cult of Paridon

The cult of Paridon have its origin amongst Felicians and it is still its stronghold. But the city of Krilloan is also a stronghold of Paridon cult. According to the Cult in the beginning there where only water when the world where created. From the ocean two deites emerged, Paridon and Philas.  The two gods where each other opposites and while Paridon remained in the depths Philas rose toward the surface. When Philas recognised that some of his followers strived even higher he created land and heaven so his creatures should have some place to live. Philas is since the protector of land, sweetwater and all animals. Paridon became very angry when he saw what Philas had done, and he created humans to make sure Philas wouldn´t have all land to himself. Humans where created intelligent to be the rulers of all land. Philas in his anger over the humans tried to create sapient beings better than humans, but his power where diminshied and they came out lesser than humans. This was the beginning of all halflings, elves, dwarves et cetera.  According to the legends Philas had a daughter with a cat, and the daughter where named Felis, and it is from her the Felicians got their name.  Felis is the godess of darkness, mysticism and is often worshipped by alchemists, astrologicans, seers, thieves and some magicians. Felis are descibes and depicted as a very beautiful and dark skinned woman who are transformed into a cat every night. Within the cult and the Felician culture the cat is considered to be a holy animal, and darkskinned people are percieved to be protected by Felis. A fourth deity is the god of battle Galmon who lives beyond the sea in the halls of honor. All warriors who dies with his name on their lips spend the eternity within the hall in his presens. Paridon is worshipped actively in temples two to three times per month. Before any sea voyage a small sacrifise is made, it is a small part of what Philas created as a small apologise to Paridon for prefering to live on land. Most of the priesthood of Paridon is old scarred sailors.