The Golden book

The Golden book is the holy scripture of The shining path. the followers of Odo wrote down his lectures and later disciples of his words added to it.


The Golden book is written with the purpose of collecting and canonising the teachings of Odo into a formal religion.

Document Structure


The Golden books is divided into five chapters.   Chronicles of the beginning: The first chapter of the Golden book descibes how Etin created the worlds, and how Hemaquiels led all thinking creatures astray. It also descibes how strong spirits pretends to be Gods and fooled thinking creatures into worshipping them instead of Etin. The Chronicles where written by S:t Munde, but where based on the teachings of Odo. The Golden books begins as following: "The divine Odo said; From nothing Etin created the divine light with a firm hand. Light filled the void until the void shined brightly with Etins power and glory. And Etin floated in in the void and saw the emptiness of the Void. He wished the void where not empty and his thoughts became form and time. And Etin molded form and time and to his liking and saw they where good".   The shining path: the second chapter contains descriptions of the teachings of Odo. It is divided into preachings and anectodes. It is within this chapter it is possible to read about the six tenets and how those who follow the shining path shall behave towards other people, kings and rulers. A large part of the chapter describes how to banish Hemaquiels dark shadow from your soul and find enlightment.   The life of Odo: This chapter where written på S:t Munde and tells the tale of Odos life, from his birth in Arno to his return into the world soul.   The letters of Odo: This is the only part of the book which is written by Odo himself. It contains letters and correnspodence with people and who were curious on the teachings of Odo. Here Odos letter to the erebosians are found, Odos letter to S:t Vendlock the wanderer and Odos words to Duke Inegrid.   Odos epifania: The last part of the golden book deals with Odos travels through the realms of darkness and light during his four days of death. Here you can read about the torments of the realms of hell, the sunserafs and sprits of light, and most of all humans destiny after death. Also known as the promise of Odo.

Publication Status

The Golden Book are only written in Dalcoi which is the language Odo spoke. The book is only allowed to be written and distributed throughout the church in order for the church to maintain control over the content. The reason is to prevent heresy.
Manuscript, Religious