The people of Zorakin.

Peasants (those who work) The strata of individuals whom are designated as peasants actually can be something totally different, such as woodsman, hunter, fisherman et cetera. But the most common way of income is to be a peasant and toil on the fields. It is not common for a peasant to own the land he works on, but rather it is own by the local nobleman such as the baron. A peasant in Zorakin are not free but born into serfdom, which is a mild form of slavery. You are sworn to serve a nobleman and she/ he decides on what you are supposed to deliver in taxes or labor each year. When you have reached your quota you are free to work on your own behalf. This is how it is supposed to work, but it all depends on the nobleman. Serf can be governed by a cruel nobleman who whips them if he is displeased, or they can be governed by a kind hearted nobleman who shares drinks with his serfs in tavern by night.   In general a peasant have a few sets of clothes whom he uses in his or hers daily life. they are usually cheap but sturdy and if work is very dirty they are made of bland colour. But they have one set of clothes which they use on festivities and they try to ceap clean and nice. They are usually in bright colours, if a little bleached from the sun. In zorakin the colours blue and white are common but far from exclusive.   Men prefers hoses and a knee long tunic which is split on the side, while females usually wears a long dress with a apron. Of course as Zorakin are made up of different ethnicities the prefered clothes may wary a bit.   Peasants seldom wear weapons or armour on daily basis, neither are they trained to use them. Some harsh rulers forbid their serfs to have weapons, but as most tools found on a farm or fishermans home can be used to kill the rule is often pretty useless. The most common weapons found are hammer, scythe, axe or a wooden club. In most regions there is a bow or crossbow found as well. They are light and meant for hunting small game and as such often not of high quality. If there is armour to be found on the farm is the gambesson. In the more northen areas such as lands inhabitated by the Raxorian a leather jacket is more common.  Of course there is individuals of the peasant class whom serve in retinues or mercenary companies whom are well equipped and trained in different kind of weapons.   Middlemen (those who read and write) The middlemed are made up of people who are craftsmen, scholars, riarks and other clergymen, mages and merchants. They are as all other non nobles sworn to a nobleman, but they are free to change nobleman on their own whims. It is not common for middlemen to change their alligience as it often involves moving to another noblemans territory. It is not common for a nobleman to demand labour from a middleman as they produce large taxes if they are left alone. But as the noblemen owns the land, the mines and everything it produces, there is much contact between the nobleman and the merchants and craftsman. If they demand labour it would most likely be for crafting materials, such as ordering a blacksmith to produce ten swords for the barons men. Of course the craftsman will extempted from tax and the baron will produce the material for the swords.   Most of the middlemen will have a larger wardrobe than the peasants. They will have a few set of decent everyday clothings, but perhaps even a few sets of nicer clothes to choose from. They will most likely have jewellery in gold and silver to go with the fine clothing. In general the middlemen will try to copy the local nobles but not as flagrant as they are.   Carrying a well made dagger is very common weapon within the class. They seldom own real weapons but just as with the peasant class there are many tools which can be used as weapons.    Nobles (those who rule) The nobles of Zorakin are the rules of the land, they are sworn to defend their lesser and their king. The nobles are on top of the pyramid, but also an integrateed part of it. All noblemen but the king have sworn an oath to serve a higher lord and the king.   Most noblemen and women have a very large closet filled with everydays clothings good enough for lesser people to wear to a feast. Almost all nobles have a large set of feast clothings which are exchanged on yearly basis. They have many sets of jewellery mad of gold, silver and prechious stones. Men usually wear leather boots, with spurs if he is a knight. On the legs a nobleman wear hoses covered by a long tunic which is split in the front and back. It is common to wear a cape when outside, but it is considered rude to wear it inside. Almost every nobleman have a broad leather belt. As most knightly orders demands it to be white for their knights, all knights wear a white belt. But it is not a law or tradition, rather it is because most knights are member of an order.   All members of the noble strata knows they are born to rule and that they are better than the common folks. But how they behaves depends on their personality of course. There is a common illusion that most noblemen try to live up to on how the relation between them and the lesser men are supposed to be. A nobleman can be friend with the lesser people and share jokes and ale with them. As long as the lesser people show them respect and know their place. A good nobleman knows his serfs by name and their parents before them. A nobleman should not let his serfs starve as they depend on his/ her leadership.   Carrying a sword is common for all lords and ladies of the realm, even if they are not knighted. In every home there is a range of real weapons as armour as well.