Venois Estate

Located just outside of the town Cavonne lies the Venois estate. It is owned and runned by a family who serve the barony of Cote Sombre. Apart from the large wheat fields there is also a large windmill. The family supplies many of the bakers in the city with wheat, making them wealthy. The family are generally respected but seldom use their power to influence decisions unless they think it would influence their profits.   The family employ people from the city Cavonne depending on where in the growth period it is. Many of the poor of Cavonne look forward to the harvest period as they easily can get job at the Venois farm.   The current owner of the farm is Donnox Venois who is a 50 year old patriarch. His brother is the riark of the old church inside of Cavonne.   They employ four mercenaries as guards on the farm. They are all trained to fight on horse and know how to use ranged weapons as well as melee weapons. They are paid well and as loyal as can be expected from mercenaries. They will fight hard but not die uneccessary. All peasants who are employed fulltime on the farm are trained to militia level with shield and spear.
  • Estevan from Erebos: He is a well known brute who uses his bulky builtd and scarred face to scare people into subjugation. He gets violent when he drinks and have been known to abuse the prostitutes in the harbour when he is on a drinking spree in town. Donnox knows full well about Estevans drinking problem and have made sure he behaves on the farm. But he allows him to scare the other employees to keep them in check. He wears heavy armor and his Flamberge on his back. He uses a shortbow for ranged combat.
  • Janice: Originally comes from Trakorien and was born into a mercenary company. She wears heavy armour and shield, and swings a mace in close combat. She uses her crossbow with great skill. She cares not for other peoples lives or well being at all. The only thing she cares about is her purse and keeping it well filled.
  • Gustaf: Gustaf was lowborn and bastard in Kardien and started out his life as a street thug in Ekeborg.
  • Louise: She is a halfelf who grew up in the rural areas surrounding the Toril forest. She is a natural born killer and today she would have been branded a psychopath. She seems timid and kind, but if given the chance she will kill and make it painful. She seems fascinated with fires as well. She is armed with a longbow and longspear. But also handles dagger with great skill.