
Wights are undead spirits of powerful sentient beings who had the power to escape death and return to the material plane. Some wights have been summoned by powerful necromancers, often apprentices or worshipper of the deceased spirit, but mostly it is their hatred and wrath which made them materialise. They regain who they where and all the knowledge they had before death, and if they were killed they often have added a strong hatred against their killer.   Wights looks like withered corpses, much like skeletons covered with pale skin. Their eye sockets are hollow and together with their mouth the dark energies which keeps them alive glow in a bright light. They are fully material and often use tools such as weapons and armour.   As they are supernatural beings which do not belong in the realms of the living anymore they do not regain any spent power naturally, but they have the ability to suck life force out of living beings. Sentinent beings are best for it, but even beasts and animals can be used as sources of life force.   Wight are bound to the place they were summoned and can not leave it, they must stay within 100 meters of their place of summoning or where they returned to the material plane. If they pass further it they start loosing power until they can return. Scholars have realised that this is similar to the same bounds which nymfs have.   If a wight is killed the bones the magic force keeping it together vanishes immidietly, making the bones falling to the ground monetly. An experience which can be very unexpected for those who are unaware.   Abilities:
  • Ordinary weapons by fire, magic and magical weapons. Half damage taken by ordinary weapons.
  • By touching a victim and winning a contest against the victims FYS against its own PSY, it can suck 2 FYS from the victim permanently. The victim becomes paralyzed for 1T4 SR. Armour do not protect against this attack. The wight regains two PSY points at the same time.

Civilization and Culture

Common Myths and Legends

Orban Darchad was a sorcerer in Kardien who were killed and came back as a Wight over 300 years ago in Kardien. He resurrected in his tomb inĀ  a large city and were able to commit many evil acts before destroyed.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
The skin covering the skeleton is very pale as if all life have been sucked out of it. It also looks parched as if it is dead. The skin often raptures and break up when the Wight moves, but the magic forces keeping the wight alive keeps it from falling off.