
  An adult wyvern is a two legged flying lizard, whom looks like a small dragon. Although the term small is relative as they can grow to sizes bigger than an ogre. Wyverns can be seen circling the peak they make their nest in, and their screams can be heard from far away.

Basic Information


A Wyvern share many similarities with real dragons from which they once came. They have a large head with have potruding mouth filled with teeth made to shear meat. Their front legs have been transformed into large wings while their hindlegs have become stronger to carry the weight. Their feet ends in large claws designed to carry away their prey. The tail is long in order to keep balance and strong enough to be used as a club.

Genetics and Reproduction

Wyverns are egg layers

Growth Rate & Stages

They hatch from the eggs without wings who do not start to develop until late in their juvenile years. They wither around as snakes and are called Dragon Serpents during that part of their life.

Ecology and Habitats

Wyverns almost always make their home high up on cliffs and in mountains. The reason is that they can not take off from the ground withouth running and flapping their wings to gain momentum. From their nests in cliffs they can just throw themselves out andd fall for a little while to get the momentum.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Wyverns attack from high and trries to grab the prey and then throw it from height before killing it. Then it carries it to its peaks to feed.   They eat all kind of meat, but hunts anything from deer to bears in sizes.

Additional Information


If a Wyvern are taken as an egg they can be domesticated and trained as riding beasts.

Uses, Products & Exploitation

The blood and other organs are used in alchemy.   The skin make good armour.   The teeth, bones and claws can be used in arrows, spears and short daggers.

Average Intelligence

Wyverns are animals and do not possess a fully developed intelligence. They are on the same level of thinking as a top predator can be estimated to have.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Their eyesight is very sharp and they can see small targets from high up in the air. They see as long as it is daylight. Their hearing isn't very well developed.
Average Physique
Their fore legs have been transformed into large leatherly wings, while the hind legs have become stronger to carry the whole weight. Their heads are similar to dragons with horns and their broad jaws are filled with sharp teeth.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Most wyvern have a brown tint where it becomes darkes depending on how thick it is.