
A zombie is the reanimated corpse of a living being. It can be fresh or severely rotting. A Zombie are usually still rotting and therefore it is common to smell them before seeing or hearing them. Usually they are surrounded by clouds of fat flies as well.   Natural occuring zombies are very rare as the fungus who creates them are eradicated by animists from civilized lands. But when they do break out they spred through a zombie biting another person whom quickliy dies and becomes a zombie by themselves. There are spells and tinktures which can slow down or reverse the effect, but as zombie outbreaks are so rare they are seldom easily accessible.   A necromancer can create a zombie through magic. The more powerful the magic the more powerful the zombie becomes. The numbers below are for natural zombies. Just as with skeletons it is necessary to decide what role the zombie is to have during the creation process.   STY:*0,6-*3; STO:*1; FYS: 0; SMI: *0,1-*0,5; INT: *0,05-*0,25; PSY:???.   A zombies KP for "bröst" and "mage" are doubled as there is nothing in there which affects the zombie.

Additional Information

Average Intelligence

Zombies have a rudimentary intelligence and even though a magicial zombie are ordered and follow them, they can think and choose between simple options in order to follow the order. If they are ordered to guard a passage they can either stand still and watch or shuffle around in the passage to fulfill the order.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

As the brain is the focal point for the reanimation process zombies retain their senses and perceptions as if theuy were living, but usually on a much weaker scale.