Zorakian infantry

Although the armoured might of Zorakin is based on its knights the most common troop type is the infantry. They are the unsung warhorses of the society and will be found in almost every town and castle even during peace time. The arms and armament of each soldier are individual rather than formalised by standardisation.   When looking upon a unit of infantry soldiers there is a sense of rag tag amongst them, like they are cobbled together rather than a unified force. Some rich noblemen take a sense of pride in their retinues and equip them with tabards and shields with his or hers crests but it not required or even common.   The soliders in a unit are often scarred and rugged individuals who have lived violent lives and have a little respect for other persons as they fulfill their duties.



The size of infantry units in Zorakin is in no way formalized but rather depend on the availability of manpower and officers. A barons unit might be just a few men, while a unit when Zorakin goes to war might be up to several hundreds.


In general the infantry formations can be divided into three categories, spearmen, men-at-arms and archers. Spearmen and men-at-arms are in general heavily armoured while archers comes more lightly equipped.    The most basic armour worn is the Gambesson, which in general are of the type with downwards filling. Men-at-arms and spermen whom are prepared for melee does in general enhanc it with studded leather on the torso. Almost all wear some kind of helmet as well. The most common is a pot helmet in steel, where the wide brimmed version is amongst the most common. Amongst archers a leather coif is common.   Spearmen and men-at-arms in general uses a shield. The most common is the teardrop shield but a large version of the knights shield are becoming more the last decade. The round shield are considered out of date and might be found amongst the very poor soliders.


The most common ranged weapon in Zorakin is the crossbow which translates into the military as well. There are formations which uses bows, but they are not as common. A archer wears a quiver made for twenty arrows some times two. They almost always have a dagger and some kind of handweapons as well.   Spearmen are equipped with a spear and shield. The spears are made for using one handed but there is development towards long spears made for using two handed as well. Most soldiers complement the spear with a hand weapon and a dagger.   Men-at-arms usually wears a sword. The most common is the broadsword which is considered a little out of date amongst the nobility. But a mace or axe are used as well. Amongst the soldiers there are usually some who wear two handed weapons as well, forgoing the shield. Sometimes they are put aside into their own formations, but in general they are mixed into the infantry formations.


The command structure in infantry formations of Zorakin varies based on who are available. most nobles employ a master-of-arms or captain to lead their infantry, but if there are several retinues becoming mixed together the many officers becomes a problem hindering an effective leadership of the mixed units. And as all knights are noble and considered above the commoners it becomes an even bigger problem when they start to order the infantry units around. In general the larger the units the larger the problem.


The most common tactics for infantry is to support and defend the knights as they go in for the kill and glory. And as such the most common infantry tactics is a static defense or charge. Few units are proffessional and or coherent enough to be useful in more advanced tactics.


In general the soldiers are trained within the formation as it is part of their drill. There is seldom any formal training as such and each leader of the unit are responsible for the training of his or hers charges.


Logistical Support

Zoraki warfare is based on fast movement and the logistic planning is at best absymal. In many ways the units are to feed themselves and as such they are expected to live off the land. Looting is a part of their pay.
Overall training Level
Assumed Veterancy
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