Zorakian knights

A unit of heavily armoured knights with the thunderous hooves and the long lances felled in preparation of a charge is a mighty sight to behold.



There is no formalised size of a knightly unit but rather it depends on manpower and how many high lords there is need to divide them up between to satifise the honour.


Chainmail, helmet and shield   Most will have their own tent fore themselves as well as a riding horse, warhorse and a few mules as well. A knightly camp is lavish even in wartime.


All knights uses a warlance and shield with their heraldric weapon upon. By their side is their longsword, although some still wear the older broadsword. Most knights are trained in the use of axes and maces as well.


Several cart for the tent equipment.


The noble lord with the highest rank is the leader of the unit, which becomes a problem if he or she fall in battle.


Every knight is trained in the use of arms as they are old enough to walk, and as they grow older they gets educated in tactics and strategy as well.



Each and every knight are suppost to support themselves by the spoils of their own lands, or their liege.
Overall training Level
Assumed Veterancy
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