Sovereigns of Zorakin

Before Odo

0 B.O. 0 B.O.

  • -55 B.O.

    -15 B.O.

    Valien I "The uniter"

    Valien where the last king of the Penner kingdom and the first king of Zorakin. He got the name "The uniter" as he united several small kingdoms beneath his rule, after being crucial to the defeat of the Lindskiarn.   Valien I was born 93 B.O. and died 15 B.O.

  • -15 B.O.

    6 B.O.


    Girloff Duke of Pharynx was voted to be King by the assembled Dukes of Zorakin.    Girloff was Born 46 B. O. and died 6 A.O.

After Odo

0 B.O. and beyond

  • 6 A.O.

    12 A.O.

    Arviden Ironfist

    Arviden the Duke of Amittefeux were chosen by the Dukes of Zorkain to become the King of Zorakin. He was a cruel despot who used his influence to consolidate power within the nobles, at the expence of the commoners.   Arviden was born 36 B.O. and died 12 A.O.

  • 12 A.O.

    44 A.O.


    Inergrid the Duke of Amittefeux was chosen to be King of Zorakin in the Year 12 A.O. He followed in the footstep of his predecessor of consolidating power. There were many smaller uprisings during his rule which were all defeated by military power.   Inergrid was born 34 B.O. and died 44 A.O.

  • 44 A.O.

    59 A.O.

    Arviden II

    Arviden II The Duke of Pharynx was chosen to be King of Zorkain. During his reign there were many smaller raids and battles between Zorakin and the kingdom of Raxoria. Both countries have claims on lands and resources and neither had the inclination to solve it through diplomacy. Arviden were a major force of grabbing Raxorian land as the nobles of Pharynx needed more land for their unlanded noble sons.   Arviden died in battle against Raxorian forces and as he had no sons the Duchy was awarded to his oldest sisters husband.    Arviden were born 1 A.O and died 59 A.O.

  • 59 A.O.

    107 A.O.


    Alexeris the Duke of Solei-Font was born in 24 A.O. and died 107 A.O.   Alexeris held a grudge against the kingdom of Raxoria as his father fell in battle against them when he was very young. He advocated for conquering Raxoria and make them a subject of Zorakin and this was probably a very important reason why he was chosen king of Zorakin by his peers. Alexeris became the conquerer of the Kingdom of Raxoria and managed it reasonably well by allowing many Raxorian to keep their noble status, although most of the higher titles or rich baronies were granted to Penner nobles.   At the end of Alexeriks reign there were much troubles in the Salamorian region to the north east of Zorakin. The troubles often flooded over and into Zorakin, making it necessary for Alexeris to prepare a military action. Unfortunatly Alexeris died before being able to launch the invasion and as Zorkain struggled to chose a new King, the preparations withered away. But the Zorakian nobility did not forget.

  • 107 A.O.

    110 A.O.

    Valien II Coinmaker

    Valien II the Duke of Dravioauxe were chosen as King of Zorakin at the longest assembly of Dukes in the history of Zorakin. In the end of it Valien were chosen as he was the one everyone could agree on, if they themself could not be King. Valien had never shown any tendency to become King, and he very reluctantly accepted the title.   No one actually thought he would achieve anything. But as the Salamorian troubles intensified Valien quickly assembled a large force and invaded. He defeated the robber barons forces, bandit groups and brought peace and stability to the realm. Just as an afterthought he declared it a part of Zorakin, and granted his followers land and titles in the new Duchy Salamora.     Born 70 and died 110

  • 110 A.O.

    148 A.O.

    Kruxhelm The Strong

    Kruxholm the Duke of Likermark   During his reign the relationship with the Kingdom of Luksilo were on the brink of war for a long time. Until 140 A.O. when they became subjects of the Zoraki kingdom   Born 74 and died 183

  • 148 A.O.

    156 A.O.

    Caroleux XI

    Caroleux XI the duke of Pharynx   Born 100 and died 156

  • 156 A.O.

    183 A.O.

    Caroleux XII The Absolute

    The first Absolute king of Zorakin. Son to Caroleux XI.   Born 125 and died 183

  • 183 A.O.

    199 A.O.

    Valien III

    Valien III son of Caroleux XII.   Born 153 and died 199

  • 199 A.O.

    227 A.O.

    Arviden III

    Arviden III,   firstborn son of Valien III   Born 179 and died 227   Arviden where childless.

  • 227 A.O.

    244 A.O.

    Gardigolf the Shipwright

    Gardigolf the Shipwright, the second born son of Valien III   Born 184 and died 244   During Gardigolfs rule Zorakin the amount of coastal raids became prevailent, and the local lords where unable to respond quickly enough. Gardigolf decided that in order to protect the Kingdom, the kingdom needed a fleet. Of course some of the lords of the realms had a ship or two but it was insufficient. Gardigolf realised that the only solution where a royal navy, payed for by the King and ordered by the King. Gardigolf payed shipwrights and mariners from other realms into Zorakin and then he ordered ships to be built and sailors to be trained. The drainage of coins where high, but as the fleet became operational and the pirate raids lessened it became clear it had been a good idea.

  • 244 A.O.

    270 A.O.

    Borodrik the crooked

    Borodrik the Crooked, son of Gardigolff   Born 202 and died 270

  • 270 A.O.

    281 A.O.

    Girloff II
    Discovery, Exploration

    Girloff II son of Borodrik. Born 230 and died 270   Married to Ephelina Valonse   Girloff had three sons. The oldest and youngest with his wife, and the middle son with Lady Morgana Hatchel de Solei.

  • 281 A.O.

    296 A.O.

    Borodrik II

    Borodrik II the firstborn son of Girloff II.   Borodik II were married twice but the first wife only gave him daughters. The second wife gave him two sons, both whom died young. Borodrik became insane due to grief when his second wife died from a still birth. One sdark and stormy night he jumped off the castle walls to his death.   Born 265 and died 296

  • 296 A.O.

    308 A.O.

    Iberiko the Bastard

    Iberiko the Bastard second born son of Girloff II. Born outside marriage by Lady Morgana Hatchel de Solei, but acknowledged by Girloff II.   Iberiko grabbed the throne when his older brother died, knowing full well that his younger brother had a larger support for the throne. This led to the civil war commonly called, The dance of two brothers.   Born 269 and died 308

  • 308 A.O.

    330 A.O.

    Valien IV The Great

    Valien IV The Great, Third son of Girloff II and born within marriage.   Born 270 and died 330

  • 330 A.O.

    375 A.O.

    Valien V

    Valien V firstborn son of Valien IV   Born 294 and died 375

  • 375 A.O.

    388 A.O.

    Gederion the Crown prince

    Gederion the Crown prince, the firstborn son of Valien VI   Born 294 and died 388

  • 388 A.O.

    405 A.O.

    Carouleux XIII the Scourge of Zorakin

    Caroleux XIII the Scourge of Zorakin, firstborn son of Gederion.   Born 348 and died 405

  • 405 A.O.

    449 A.O.

    Caroleux XIV

    Caroleux XIV, firstborn son of Caroleux XIII   Born 370 and died 449

  • 449 A.O.

    475 A.O.

    Valien VI

    Valien VI, firstborn son of Caroleux XIV   Born 410 and died 475   Valien VI died childless as all his kids died of disease or in battles before they had children of their own.

  • 475 A.O.

    520 A.O.

    Ragnvald the beautiful

    Ragnvald the beautiful, closest nephew to Valien VI and the first of the family Harriene to hold the throne.   Born 430 and died 520.

  • 520 A.O.

    533 A.O.

    Arviden IV The one handed

    Arviden IV, firstborn son of Ragnvald   Born 476 and died 533

  • 533 A.O.

    598 A.O.

    Arviden V the weak willed

    Arviden V firstborn son of Arviden IV   Born 515 and died 598

  • 567 A.O.

    598 A.O.

    Valien VII

    Valien VII the firstborn son of Arviden V   Born 567

  • 598 A.O.

    599 A.O.

    Girloff III

    Girloff III the firstborn son of Valien VII   Born 537 and died 599

  • 599 A.O.

    Valien VIII

    King Valien VIII were anoited King of Zorakin.

    Additional timelines