Mistral Ubiet Character in Eregost | World Anvil
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Mistral Ubiet

(a.k.a. The Fourth Fury)

Feared throughout Eregost, Mistral Ubiet is one of the only Areites known to be able to both seduce and terrify.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Mistral Ubiet has a slim, lithe body with an impressive amount of muscle. She has lightly tanned skin and sky blue eyes. Mistral's hair is shoulder length with an undercut on the right side, causing it to be rather short on the right side and long and flowing on the left. Mistral dyes her hair a dark pink, which contradicts her true deadly nature. Mistral is rather beautiful, a fact that she is aware of and uses to her advantage, though her tall figure can be imposing.

Special abilities

As an Areite, Mistral has access to divine magic, and is immune to charms and psychic attacks. She can augment both her physical strength and the lethality of her weapon.

Specialized Equipment

Mistral uses a weapon made out of the spine of a whale, which can be used as a whip or straightened and stiffened in order to be used as a long spear. This weapon is coated in adamant, making it both incredibly lethal and practically unbreakable.   Mistral wears armour corundum wristguards, kneeguards, shinguards and shoulderplates, with an undersuit made of white silk covering the torso and black silk covering the limbs. Mistral created this armour so that she would be able to protect herself when she needs to, while also being able to appear as both non-threatening and even seductive.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Mistral Ubiet was born in 1297, six years after the end of the Trojan War, to refugees from Troy. Her family fled the aftermath of the Trojan War and settled on the island of Katafi, to the north east of Argos. In 1306, King Diomedes of Argos became away of an island rumoured to be populated by Trojans, his old enemies. Seeing that having former foes so close to his kingdom could pose a security issue, Diomedes sent his best men to investigate the island and report back to him.   Diomedes' best men just so happened to also be veterans of the Trojan War, and bore a deep hatred for all Trojans. These Argostic soldiers travelled to Katafi Island and decided to butcher the population and claim that they were not Trojans and instead were simply brigands. Mistral Ubiet was beaten unconscious and assumed dead by the soldiers, and her family along with the rest of the island were slaughtered without mercy. When Mistral awoke to find her family dead, she swore vengeance. An orphan at the mere age of nine, Mistral knew that a little girl would be no match for even the weakest of the soldiers that massacred her family, yet alone all of them. And so she decided that her revenge would have to wait until she was absolutely certain that she was a force to be reckoned with.   She used one of the small rowboats on the island to travel south to Kardiá, and took to begging to survive. At the age of twelve, she found work on a whaling ship. She was happy to be working, both due to earning more money, and because of Kardiá's negative association with charity and gift giving. For the next three years she worked on whaling vessels, cleaning the deck and helping to maintain the harpoon guns. At the age of fifteen, she also began taking on work as a blacksmith's apprentice, while still working at a whale processing plant in order to earn more money. At the age of nineteen, she was both strong enough, and had amassed enough wealth for her to achieve her revenge. From the whale processing plant that she worked, she took the spine of a whale, and from the forge that she worked at she created small pins which she hammered into each of the bones in the whale spine, attaching them together in a way that would still allow them to move. Using the money she had gathered, she hired a follower of Hephaestus and had him coat the whale spine in grey adamant and sharpen the edge. She also had the follower of Hephaestus craft her wristguards, kneeguards and shoulderguards, and also purchased a bodysuit made out of Calydonian silk. She grafted the armour pieces to this item of clothing, giving her apparel that would protect her while still not making her look like a warrior or a threat.   Mistral Ubiet then travelled to Argos, and began to search for the unit of soldiers responsible for killing her family. She eventually discovered that they were arrested for what they had done and were being held in the Argostic Prison. Mistral refused to let their imprisonment stop her from achieving her justice, and so she flirted with one of the guards into letting her enter the prison, pretending to be there to visit her father who she claimed to be a minor thief. Once inside, Mistral successfully located the cell being used to imprison the men who had killed her family, and broke the lock on the door. She threw a bag of daggers on the floor of the room and allowed the murderous ex-soldiers within to arm themselves. And so she began her slaughter. Using her adamant whale spine as a whip that could be straightened and used as a spear, Mistral butchered these men, without sustaining a single injury to herself, avenging her family's murder. When Argostic guards heard the commotion and went to investigate, it was too late for the prisoners, and so they attempted to detain Mistral. She decided that she would rather die than be punished for avenging her family and be judged by the nation that had sent bloodthirsty soldiers after them, and so she fought her way out. Although only lightly armoured, Mistal utilized the armoured pieces of her clothing excellently and managed to escape with only minor cuts and bruises.   After avenging her family and escaping Argos, Mistral came to a realization. Just like her people from Troy, and the men who butchered her family, she was a killer. And not just that; she was a gifted killer. She spent years taking odd jobs as a mercenary, wandering aimlessly though life, without a purpose to call her own. She grew to almost envy those who she killed, as at least they were fighting and dying for a cause they believed in, whereas she was just fighting because she believed that all she could be is a killer.Eventually her aptitude for battle reached the ears of the Areites, and from there, the ears of Phlegyas Tisel. Phlegyas Tisel introduced himself to Mistral, and explained his desire to bring about a world without softness or weakness. Seduced by the promise of a purpose and the end goal of bringing about a world perfect for killers, Mistral joined the Areites, and became a member of Phlegyas Tisel's group known as "The Final Chapter." After this, her armour pieces were coated in corundum, and her years with the Areites gave her great infamy. Some of her enemies, and many of her friends, sometimes refer to her as The Fourth Fury, due to her being a female warrior who uses a whip.

Personality Characteristics

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Mistral is incredibly skilled with her weapon of choice, being able to use it as both a whip and a spear. While true that she prefers to wield it as a whip, allowing her to disarm her enemies and mutilate their limbs, it is far more effective against armoured opponents as a spear, as it can piece armour far more easily as that form.   Compared to most Areites, Mistral has an easier time when dealing with those who are not devoted to Ares. Her natural beauty and the relative lack if armour plating that she wears makes her rather attractive. Her seductive appearance mixed with her charming personality make her quite persuasive, allowing her to sway neutral parties to be more tolerable to the presence of Areites in the area, and making some of her foes hesitate for a split second when fighting her.   Mistral is an adept craftswoman, and while true that she is no equal to a follower of Hephaestus, she is more than capable of forging weaponry and repairing her gear.

Likes & Dislikes

Mistral loves the thrill and rush of battle, and is open about her love of killing. To her, every strike she dodges is proof of her superiority, every successful strike she swings is proof of her power, and every enemy that falls before her is a testament to her greatness.   Mistral enjoys to alter and improve her weaponry, and volunteers regularly to aid in the repairs of the gear used by her companions. From sharpening blades, to removing dents from armour, Mistral is gifted at both, and these activties are some of the only acts capable of giving Mistral any sense of peace.
Neutral Evil
Year of Birth
1297 29 Years old
Sky blue
Shoulder length, dyed dark pink
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Lightly tanned
Quotes & Catchphrases
"I lost my whole family, everything... But I butchered those fuckers. My family's killers. That's when I realized... I am a killer too. And a good one at that."
Aligned Organization

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