Pelops Character in Eregost | World Anvil
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Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Pelops has tanned skin, with a number of scars scattered accross his body. He has brown eyes and slightly long black hair, which he keeps in a messy ponytail so that it does not get in his way. Pelops' right arm is made of ivory, it is mostly pure white, but the hand and lower forearm are now a blood red in colour.

Special abilities

Pelops' ivory arm has superhuman strength, allowing him to punch through stone, lift his entire weight with only one hand, and easily wield a two handed weapon with only one hand.   Pelops has the supernatural abilities possessed by every Areite. He can channel a blood red energy through his weapons, augmenting their damage. His already incredible strength has been further increased by his devotion to Lord Ares. Pelops is capable of wielding divine magic, as all Areites can.   Pelops is resistant to electrical attacks, as his father was a demi-god son of Zeus.

Apparel & Accessories

Pelops wears blood red armour, as do all Areites. It is made from an alloy of grey adamant and corundum, making it incredibly strong. The armour has a larger shoulderguard on the right side, to better fit his ivory arm.

Specialized Equipment

Pelops weapon of choice is a single edged sword with a knife-like hilt. It is rather long and heavy for a one-handed blade, at one and a half meters long. Most would find it dificult to wield with one hand, but thanks to Pelops' ivory arm, he can use this blade with ease.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Pelops was the son of Tantalus, a demi-god son of Zeus. When Pelops was a child, his father invited the Olympians to dinner. Tantalus killed his son, and cooked his corpse, serving him to the Olympians. Only Demeter did not notice that her meal was a child, as it was Autumn and her mind was occupied with thoughts of Persephone. Demeter ended up eating Pelop's shoulder without realizing it. Zeus and the other Olympians were disgusted by what Tantalus had done, and had Tantalus cast into Tartarus.   Pelops was revived by the Olympians, though his right arm could not be reattached due to his shoulder being eaten. Hephaestus crafted an arm for him made from pure ivory to compensate for this.   After seeing the cruelty and madness of his father, and his salvation at the hands of the Olympians, Pelops decided that his path to glory was to become an adventurer and honour his gods through feats of great skill and strength. Through his years as an adventurer, Pelops developed a great fondness for battle, and eventually became an Areite. Ever since, Pelops has been wandering the continent with his brothers-in-arms, fighting glorious battles with no cause bigger than simple bloodshed.

Mental Trauma

Pelops never lets his guard down for long, after all, if he could not even trust his father, who can he trust?

Personality Characteristics


Whatever drives Pelops in his fights is unknown, it is even questionable if he even has a motive whatsoever. Some believe he once had noble intentions, but has since lost them in his pursuit of bloodshed.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Pelops is an incredible skilled swordsman. He no longer sees duels as stressful fights for his life, he now sees them as mere fun.   Pelops is very skilled at pinpointing the weaknesses and strengths of his enemies, many consider fighting him to be a death sentence, as no matter how good a fighter you are, if you have a weakness, he'll find it and exploit it.

Vices & Personality flaws

Pelops would rather prolong a fight for his own enjoyment than deal with the threat in a quick and effective manner. His own desire for interesting and amusing battles comes before any self preservation instincts.


Contacts & Relations

Pelops is one of the most skilled members of the Areites, and due to his battle prowess, he is rather popular within their order.

Religious Views

Pelops has a lot of respect for the Olympians, as they punished his father, saved his life and gave him his new arm. He prays to all the Olympians for their favour in his battles.

Social Aptitude

No one approaches battle with the same level of casualness as Pelops. He treats it as more of a game than a fight for his life. He enjoys speaking with his enemies both before and during his fight with them. Pelops has been known to occasionally not even fight with his full strength just so that he can talk for longer with his opponent, and because he enjoys the added challenge.
Lawful Evil
Medium length, black pony tail
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Tanned, scarred
Aligned Organization

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