Phlegyas Tisel Character in Eregost | World Anvil
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Phlegyas Tisel

"Areites travel Eregost in groups, with the goal of finding conflict. The leader a group of Areites known as the Final Chapter, Phlegyas Tisel is known for his love of conflict and his sadism." ~Church Paratir, Grand Archivist of the Authenian Archives.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Phlegyas Tisel is a rather tall, pale man. The left side of his face is covered in scars, and two claw marks run across his right eye. He has broad shoulders and a muscular, intimidating figure. He is bald and has amber eyes.

Special abilities

Among the Areites, Phlegyas Tisel is one of the most devoted. And with his devotion, came incredible divine powers from Lord Ares. He can channel a blood red energy through his weapons, augmenting their damage. His strength has been increased to supernatural levels thanks to his fanatical loyalty to Ares. He is capable of performing healing spells and can inflict dire wounds with the slightest touch if he so wished to.

Apparel & Accessories

Phlegyas Tisel wears blood red plate armour, as do all Areites. His armour is made of corundum, a rare metal only found in the volcanic rivers of Mount Etna.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Phlegyas Tisel was born in 1282, one year after the beginning of the Trojan War, in Argos. For the first nine years of his life, he saw that everyone around him was united in purpose, everyone was contributing to the war effort. There was no infighting, and everyone worked as hard as possible to ensure the advancement of the people of Argos, so that their soldiers could have an edge against the Trojans.   Phlegyas also noticed that once the war ended, progress in Argos, and all the other city states aligned with Argos, came to a undeniable halt. Phlegyas Tisel grew into a man while seeing the unity and industrial progression he was used to come to an end, thanks to peace. Sickened by what peace had done to Argos and its people, Phlegyas Tisel left the city and decided to make his own way in life. He found work in the Silver Lance mercenary company, and it was here that he found his taste for bloodshed. He cared not for coin but instead fought because of his love for battle and his disgust for the weakness that peace breeds.   Eventually, his love for violence led to Phlegyas Tisel being fired from the Silver Lance, as he would be too eager to murder when intimidation was the intended goal. And so Phlegyas Tisel joined the Areites, and he finally felt at home. Over the years, his bloodlust grew, as did his reputation within the Areites. He became a respected figure among them, and now leads his own group of Areites known as the Final Chapter.

Morality & Philosophy

Phlegyas Tisel is a firm believer that hard times create strong men, strong men create good times, good times create weak men, and weak men create hard times. He believes that we live in a time of weak men and that the only way to allow mortals to progress is to make the world a harsher place so that mortals are forced to adapt and improve.

Personality Characteristics


Phlegyas Tisel wants to make the world a more inhospitable place, as he believes that mortals must be able to adapt to the harsh reallities of the world, instead of growing soft and weak. He would rather the strong live in a world of ashes and rubble than the weak continue to breathe.   Phlegyas Tisel wishes to spread his philosphy, particularly to the younger generations. Whenever he enters a settlement, particularly one with a high poverty rate, one of the first things he does is make certain that all orphans within the settlement have some means to defend themselves, and if they do not, he will often gift them a dagger or a similar weapon.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Phlegyas Tisel is extremely skilled with his two short swords, which he likes to duel wield and swing at a lightning fast speed, practically making him a hurricane of death. He is rather fond of cutting his enemies up, piece by piece, often cutting of a limb or two before going for the filling blow.   For a man of his size, Phlegyas Tisel is surprisingly good at hunting, for which he has to thank his upbringing in Argos. The frozen landscape of Argos ensured that farming was rather limited, meaning that hunting was rather important to avoid starvation.

Virtues & Personality perks

Phlegyas Tisel is absolutely devoid of fear. He could be woken by a deafening cacophony of gunshots and canonfire, and he would simply grin at the chance to use his blades again. He does not wish for death, but he has never let danger affect his decisions.


Contacts & Relations

Phlegyas Tisel leads the group of Areites known as the Final Chapter. There are roughly a dozen Areites is each group, and all eleven of Phlegyas Tisel's underlings act with complete loyalty and respect for him. He took charge of the Final Vhapter after their previous leader was slain in battle, and he was accepted as leader due to the fact that he was the strongest amongst them. He is well liked because he rarely tries to temper the bloodlust of his underlings, and encourages them to find fights whenever they can.   Phlegyas Tisel has a healthy relationship with the Church of Hephaestus, as they are the lead manufacturers of all weaponry and armour used by the Areites. Only the Church of Hephaestus can efficiently extract corundum from the fiery rivers of Mount Etna, meaning that only they can create the blood red armour for which the Areites are known. Phlegyas Tisel is known for trading fairly with the Church of Hephaestus, and he is considered to be a valued customer.

Religious Views

Phlegyas Tisel is fanatically devoted to Ares, the god of war and bravery. He has dedicated his life to bringing the continent closer to war and mass bloodshed, in order to honour his martial lord. His faith has been rewarded, and Ares has granted him with supernatural abilities, as he has rewarded every Areite. Phlegyas Tisel worships no other god, and actively despises the worshipers of Athena as he sees them as fools who do not see war for what it truly is.
Chaotic Evil
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale white
Quotes & Catchphrases
"Kids are cruel, and I'm very in touch with my inner child!"   "Why do we never hear speeches about the good that war has done for us? Jobs, technology, a common purpose... All we're sayin' is; give war a chance!"   "People are fine worshipping gods of freezing seas, wrathful storms and conniving thieves, but war is where they draw the line?"
Aligned Organization

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