Clan Hellscream
The Hellscream clan are dark orc, black in color. they are typically bigger and nastier than their green or red counterparts. The area that they occupy is the large forest of King Killer Forest. The clan prides themselves on killing elfs, in where they have developed a resistance to elven magic over the years. Every year during the harvest full moon the hellscream orc gather to honor their fallen and to praise Korock. They do this by taking every captive elf from the year and rip their hearts out and eat them while the elf's are still breathing.
The Clan focus on a strict military organization structure. The head of the clan is called a chieftain, which he gives orders to three commanders that fall right below him. the commanders delegate those orders to their deputes and sergeants as they see fit.
Public Agenda
Their main purpose is to guard the boarder and keep the lands west of the fools mouth river weak and in terror. They do this by launching small raids during nighttime leaving no witnesses alive or behind.
Lumber and animals are the clans greatest assets.
"Mabus-Gith-Zan" means kill all elf
Founding Date
Alternative Names
The Dark ones, Bringer of Night, Reapers of souls
Training Level
Veterancy Level
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