Glittermane's Vault
Glittermane's Vault Is a well known magic shop located on the northern west isle of the merchant district. It is not so much well known for its inventory magical goods although it does have a decent stock, its known for the merchant that runs it. Glittermane is a Rakshasa and is said to be a great sorcerer. He is also rumored to be in league with one of the Gangs of the Dark Shore, which one if any is anyone’s guess.
Although the stock of items here is low they are in very high quality, the spaces that are not hosting powerful magic items are home to books of all kinds. These books are in no practical order and are haphazardly placed on the shelves.
Available Magic Items
There are no items available for sale but can be procured given the right amount of coin. Use for base pricing.Location
Merchant District #23
Shop, Magic
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