Haela Brightaxe
(a.k.a. Lady of the Fray, Luckmaiden)
Haela Brightaxe also called the Lady of the Fray or the Luckmaiden, is a dwarven goddess of battle and luck.
Haela Brightaxe is one in spirit with good-aligned dwarves who love battle and who live to cleanse Erellion of evil monsters. Haelan clerics fight monsters whenever they can find them, either to destroy the evil beast, or just for the thrill of battle. Haela, as she is also a goddess of luck, takes great risks in the battles she fights.
Divine Domains
Chaos, Dwarf, Good, Luck, War, Zeal
Tenets of Faith
Haela's clerics are called kaxanar, which could be translated as "bloodmaidens". Most of her clergy are females, but the few men who serve her didn't seem to have a problem with the feminine title. Kaxanar cares little for the rules of dwarven society and builds their temples wherever conflict is to be found. Temples are regularly built in the cellars of human ruins, abandoned dwarf holds, or even empty gnome warrens. Most temples also serve as armories, and all are trapped with at least one very violent bombastic trap so that no temple can fall into enemy hands. Kaxanar are frequently also barbarians, since their rage engendered joyous destruction.
Divine Classification
Lesser Deity
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