Chiiwa E'rone

Chiiwa E'rone (a.k.a. Wraith)

Chiiwa is a Female Harpy Inventor, with Tielfing features, and a heavily modified mechanical right arm, with permanant plating on her head, and left leg. As well as her right wing being absent and replaced by a haphazrd leather replacemnt attached to her new arm.   Stolen some years ago from her brood, she was taken by a group of occultists who thought her body could be used to summon a demon soul to give it form. Before the agonizingly long ritual could be completed, Chiiwa escaped barely with her life, and missing an arm, a wing, bits of a leg...   However, the side effects of the dark magics that sought to give form to an infernal transformed her body into part tiefling. Red irises with black eyes, small horns on her crown, feathers and skin burnt by ash and flame: she looked a demon of her former self.   Marked heavily with the hellish runes and now her soul partially of infernal fire, she repaired herself with metal, clockwork, and her very own inner flame. With her mother a study in steel work and her father a medicine man, she was able to with the help of her family get her body repaired and functional.   Her right arm, now fully mechanical, is now the focus of her life work of getting to be able to be her old self again. Though, she accepts her infernal meld as a bittersweet gift to power her replacement parts.   Sadly, her voice was also lost and Chiiwa has only thus far been able to make a small buzzing collar that allows her to communicate slowly. She rarely uses it as it doesn't sound like her old beautiful voice. She dearly missing singing with her brood and has a small music box inside of her mechanical arm she plays when the rest of her brood sings and they pet her, for they lament her loss too but wish to keep her included.   She among her tribe is now known, lovinglym as "Wraith" for her lack of announcing her coming and going with song.

Female Harpy Inventor with demonic blood (tiefling). She is skilled in medical inventions, and made her own, powerful, arm replacement. She rarely speaks, due to injuries.

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Chaotic Good
Bird Millennial
Red and Black, infernal
dark red, infernal
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
tanned with brown and black feathers


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