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The elves of Ereth, whilst now small in number are considered the wisest of all the races of the land. Two distinct sub-races of elf populate the land, one in the north and another to the south. Elves are a cloistered people and prefer to stay put within their lands than expand too far. The reason for this is the World Trees. Two have been planted in Ereth, one south of Ereth's Belt in the north and another north-west of the Southern Heights in the south. The World Trees are the elves connection to Emlennor, their home-land far to the west. Through the World Trees, the magic from Emlennor seeps into the surrounding lands and provides the elves the necessary protection from the outside world.
  High Elves - The High Elves of Lathalas or the Faewood as is called by the other races are slender, tall, and elegant people. Their skin is porcelain, white as snow and their hair is usually golden blonde and deep red, their eyes are a bright blue bordering silver or gray. High Elves are natural scholars and have an affinity for knowledge. The Sages of A'ar Tethryn as the brightest minds in Ereth and spend much of their lives studying every facet of the land, from the simple lives of halfling folk, to the greatest magics, and even beyond the stars.
  Many outsiders believe High Elves to be snooty and uptight individuals, overly sensitive and lack any concept of fun. The reality is that elves are the longest lived race by far. High Elves have been known to live upwards of a thousand years, double that of the next longest lived race (the wood elves and dwarves). Living such long lived lives means that life loses the lustre that it has in shorter lived races. Many younger high elves are as reckless, arrogant, promiscuous, and joyous as any other race but the long lives of the high elves sombres them and they quickly take on what other races might consider a 'superiority complex'
  Wood Elves - In the southern regions of Ereth lies the Grenbour Forest; a lush, dark but beautiful forest. In the center of Grenbour is Emshara, home of the second world tree. Emshara is the only known settlement of the wood elves and they far more reclusive than their high elf cousins, preferring to remain in the shelter of Grenbour, rarely venturing beyond the safety of the forest.
  Wood elves are not as tall or elegant as their counterparts. Wood elves are actually only similar size to that of the Wilder Folk, five and half feet at their tallest. This shorter stature works remarkably well within the dense, clustered confines of the forest. They are natural trackers and hunters and are remarkably quick, even for elves. Their skin is more of a copper colour, allowing them to blend more easily into their darker surrounds and their eyes are usually a piercing yellow or green, much like a cats.
  Wood elves do not have the same reputation as high elves. In fact, very little is known about wood elves as they rarely venture beyond their borders. A few scholars have made their way to Emshara and according to them were treated with respect and hospitality, but this welcome had its limits, and they were disinclined to have outsiders stay longer than a couple of days.


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