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Firbolg (FEER-bolg)

Firbolg's are Giant-Kin, standing at around ten foot tall, with hairy beards (yes, even females) and grey skin. Lost to time, the firbolg were long thought to have left this part of the world over a millennia ago. Driven out during the Giants Purge of the 1st era, the firbolg retreated over the Sea of Lithros towards Emlennor, supposedly never to return. A mostly peaceful and community minded people, the firbolgs have long lived with simple values, protect the community and protect the natural world.
  Very distrusting of other races due to the intolerance directed at them in ages past, firbolg prefer to stick with their own kind, building small communities, often in wild lands, untouched by other races and their aggressive encroachment. Very nature orientated, the firbolg are the guardians of forests and woods and whilst peaceful by nature, will respond aggressively to those who threaten the forest and the inhabitants within them.
  Firbolg communities are small, usually having no more than twenty or thirty in a tribe. It is customary for firbolg to leave the tribe of their parents when they come of age and seek acceptance into a new one in order to maintain genetic diversity amongst the firbolg race. However, no tribe will just take someone in, first one must offer up something of value or perform a deed to benefit the tribe. Upon doing this, the village leader, known as the Archdruid will perform a sacred ritual under the full moon, accepting the new recruit into the rank and file of their community.
  Archdruid's are the leaders and healers of each tribe. Only when an Archdruid dies, does the tribe instill a new one so very caution is taken when selecting the new Archdruid. Usually, it is a firbolg with powerful druidic magic, capable of healing and defending. A number of names are put forth and the tribe as a whole votes. Most often it only benefits the tribe as most firbolg want to improve the lives of their people but there have been on occasion situations where the Archdruid selected has only had their own power in mind. In these cases, other tribes are expected to step in, overthrowing the power hungry tyrant and taking the tribe under their own wing. It is not a perfect system, but it mostly works for the firbolg people.
  Firbolg's venerate a diety they call, Otias, a non-binary entity that is responsible for the creation of the giants. Like many religions, there is no proof that Otias exists but to claim such a thing in the presence of a firbolg would be highly offensive and could get you removed from their lands...or worse.


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