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Lurking in the dark, winding caverns beneath mountains and hill, goblins represent the very definition of cruelty. They are much like gnomes in appearance with the large ears and long hooked nose but with various shades of green skin. Their height ranges from of 3'5 to 4'5 feet and they weigh little, no more than 80lbs at their heaviest.
  Goblins are found all over Ereth, and much of the rest of the world. They breed at rapid rates and spread like a plague. Goblin cities aren't common as many goblins will just form groups in caves and abandoned mines and use it as a dwelling. Though there are some, like the city of Zordra deep below Mount Duron. They are surprisingly intelligent and are natural tinkerers, making many crude and elaborate traps to use on unsuspecting adventurers.
  Life in a goblin city is chaos. Thousands upon thousands cram into small caverns and passages. Goblins kill each other for fun and law is forsaken within these cities. There is normally a leader that controls the rabble, a goblin of larger stature, oft sometimes pushing 5 foot or even a hobgoblin who was cast out by its own people and uses its size and strength to appear godlike in the eyes of the goblin folk. They merely call the leader "Boss-man" and that's about as official as goblins will get.
  The city of Zordra, the official goblin city in Ereth is rather large. Hundreds of carved passages wind ever around a large central cavern that the goblins call the Shiny Grotto. This is where a bulk of the goblins treasure hoard (as well as their filth) is stored. A makeshift throne made from stone, roots, and serrated iron sits upon a stone dais, carved from the very earth itself. Here the hobgoblin, Shar resides over his pitiful servants, growing fat on the delicacies they present to him daily.
  Whilst being intelligent and by all accounts, sapient, goblins are not recognised by the other races as a higher lifeform. They are barely considered more than wild animals, with domesticated animals such as dogs, horses, and cows held in higher esteem. Much like any other disease, the other races take many precautions in stemming the expansion of goblin lands, regularly burning and collapsing tunnels that these foul creatures call their home.


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