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The short, joyous folk of the south. Halflings are stout folk, coming in only at 3 to 3 and half feet. With curly, dark hair, dark eyes, and a desire to live the simple life, halflings are considered by many to be the most peace loving race in existence.
  Not known as warriors, great leaders, or powerful wizards, halflings keep things to a local level. To the south of Ereth lies the lands of Rurrenil, land of the halflings. Rolling green hills, woodlands, and ever expansive farmland make up most of the region, a region nestled in between Grenbour Forest, the Southern Heights and the vast empty land of the Barrens. The warm climate is perfect as halflings have a love for water and boating, fishing being the number one way for a halfling to unwind.
  Along the Grenbour River are many settlements, including the capital city of Eldervale, a city which is built onto the river fork itself. Nearly all trade to other lands comes from downriver, with the exception of the small amount of trade they have with the wood elves of Emshara, whom they deal with directly. The most famous mead in all of Ereth is brewed in Rurrenil, in Honeyoak and Oakbottom; Madoc Mead, originally brewed by Madoc Whitfoot. Madoc Mead is a common staple in most taverns across Ereth and is particularly popular with the dwarves of the Amber Hills.
  Halflings are a friendly people, who are very welcoming to all travellers. They have no need to fear other races as they do not believe they have anything worth any form of aggression. The worst they usually have to deal with is the odd brigand group or a band of wolves coming down from the mountains. Other races have expressed concern with their over welcoming behaviour, claiming it to be dangerous and reckless but most halflings disagree, some believing that "should they be offered a hot meal and bath and warm place to rest their head, you will make a friend of them". A curious belief after they spent hundreds of years under the whips of their Selymbrian masters.


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