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The race of humans are as numerous and complex a race as any. Humans are more varied than that of other races and within Ereth there are a number of different sub-races of humans.   Odradellons - Native to the original northern regions of Lake Eredon, Odradellons have white skin and dark hair and eyes. They range from five to six feet and are more acclimatised to the cooler regions of the north. Odradellons, whilst not as physiclally imposing as Asnorians or Sarjans, have far greater numbers and some of the greatest minds of the human race. This is the reason for their quick uprising as the dominant human race in Ereth.   Asnorians - Native to the once southern nation of Asnor, Asnorians have darker skin ranging from a copper tone to brown and are more acclimatised to the warmer regions of the south. They also have dark hair and eyes and usually range from five to six and half feet tall. After the annexing of Asnor to Odradel, the Asnorians were sought for their strength and endurance and mostly put into jobs involving heavy labour, such as military or trade work. Many Asnorians still hold to their original culture and they have many uncharted settlements scattered throughout the No Mans Land in the south where they practice their way of life away from the suffocating laws of Odradel.   Sarjans - The tribal folk of the Sarja Plains to the east of Lake Eredon. The Sarjans are considered by the western nations to be violent, brutish, and evil but the truth is they are a simple folk who are fiercely territorial of their homelands, caused in large part to former invasions from both the north and south in the past. Sarjans are dark skinned, incredibly broad and tall humans who have an affinity for horse riding. Across the plains, large cavalries of horsemen ride across the open lands, dust kicked up in great clouds behind them. They mostly live simply, in small camps and huts made of straw and thatch. There is little shelter across the plains and so many settlements just sit in the middle of open grasslands.   Fiercely loyal to their own, Sarjans have one belief above all; protect the family. Every tribe views itself as a family, regardless of biological standing. To earn the trust and loyalty of a family is one of the greatest honours that can be bestowed upon an individual in Sarjan culture but it is no easy feat, especially for outsiders, whom they have come to grow weary of in recent times. It is considered wise to avoid the Sarja Plains unless absolutely necessary.   Wilder Folk - To the north, within the Warnora Wilds are humans who do not follow the laws of more "civilised" nations. The Wilder Folk live as simple life as one can live; eat, sleep, reproduce, and survive. Small roaming bands make camps throughout the Wilds, sheltering themselves from the vast dangers of the land.   They are pale with light hair and light eyes, usually blue, green, or grey. They are shorter than average, most only reaching five and a half feet, but they are remarkably nimble and stealthy, having spent many generations as hunters within the wilds and avoiding the more savage goliath and orc races.   Much like the Sarja, the Wilder Folk are extremely loyal to their own and will protect each other with everything they have. Due to this fierce loyalty, they are considered as dangerous as any beast or orc that wanders the Warnora Wilds.
  Orirtosians - Native to the distant lands of Orirtos, the Orirtosians have made their homes on the warm, tropical isles in the south. Copper skinned, dark haired, and dark eyed, the Orirtosians are at home in the warm climates of the south. You will find very few of these humans living on the mainland however, preferring to stay on the Isles of Cormonbo, much like Orirtos to the east, which is a series of large and small islands.
  Unlike the mainland humans, Orirtosians do not worship the Erun, the One. They instead have a pantheon of deities they worship for all different walks of life. However they mainly worship a figure they call, Photia, the Goddess of the Sea and Air. Due to their affinity for water and the open seas, Orirtosians believe that by keeping Photia happy, means the seas stay calm. They are superstitious people and believe that storms and high winds are a sign of Photia's dissatisfaction. All Orirtosians pay tribute to the sea before sailing, sacrificing a goat or calf in the shallows and letting its blood spill into the sea, a repayment for the fish taken from the ocean.
  These humans receive more flak than the other races of humans on Ereth due to the lawlessness of the Isles. Many mainlanders believe Orirtosians to be liars and cheats, not to be trusted and to be kept an eye on at all times. There have been many accounts of Orirtosians harrassed in the mainland cities by guards for no reason other than the "suspicion of illegal activity" without any real evidence. The reality of Orirtosians is much the same as any other race; they are good and bad, giving and selfish, beautiful and ugly, intelligent and stupid.


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