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Warriors and champions of the north, orcs are the most ferocious and unrelenting combatants in the land. Native to cold northern regions of the Frozen Peaks and Warnora Wilds, they have a natural resistance to cold weather. They are large, hulking creatures, seven foot tall on average and incredibly muscular. Their skin ranges from a pale green to black, two large tusks protrude from their lower jaw. Their hair is always a shade of black or grey and their eyes are a copper or red.
  Orcs do not make up kingdoms like other races but instead have independent tribes. Each tribe runs their own land and have little to no contact with the other tribes. However once a year the tribes all come together at the capital orc city, currently Skulgrim for a gathering known as a Meet. The war chiefs of each tribe discuss the locations of their southern raids that the orcs do every year to celebrate their Warlords. A Meet is also sometimes called in the event of an emergency (usually an invasion).
  Orcs lives are short, with very few surpassing the age of forty. This is mostly due to their culture of battle. There is only one way for an orc to have peace in death and that is to die in battle with a weapon in their hand. Should an orc cower or die naturally, they are no warrior, and so forever their spirit will wander the land. This is why most orcs if they survive to the age of fifty they will enter the underground ruins of Olzodgurd or the Dead City in human dialect. The ruins there are filled with goblins, spiders, wyrms, trolls, and other vile creatures. It is there they fight till they fall, refusing to fade into nothingness.
  While most people avoid the orcs, viewing them as savage warmongers, there is far more to them than being murderous savages. Orcs are honour bound, trained to face their foes head on, you won't find any orc assassins or rogues, and if you do they have been long shunned by their tribes, left to live a life of solitude, to fade into obscurity. Orcs also rarely go far beyond the Warnora Wilds with the exception of their yearly raids south, which they do more for necessity. When they raid they don't have a need for gold and gems. They usually take livestock, salted foods, leather, fur, mead and ale. Supplies to help them through the winter months as everything north of the Fields of Thyss freeze over for a solid four months of the year. They rarely fight without reason, but their honour demands that if they do, they do so fairly.


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