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Lord of the Grave

The Gravewalker

Anubis, The former ruler of the Duat and Aaru, Now the current ruler of the Duat exclusively, Is one of the many gods of the Stre' Kartaa pantheon. As with most Kartaa deities, Anubis takes the form of a humanoid animal, With his being that of a black Jackal.   When the afterlives were first created, Anubis ruled the Stre' Kaas hell and heavenly plane. After Set murdered Osiris, Anubis used much of his power to resurrect him, Causing him to come back as a zombified deity. After this event, Osiris had taken the role of ruling the Field of Reeds, While Anubis was relegated to presiding over the Duat only, Much to the dismay of Anubis himself. He now seeks to do his job as best as he can, Forever attempting to be content with his work, He sometimes wishes that he could get to do something else for a change.   Now he sits inside the Duat, Waiting for souls to judge. He's been down there so long in fact, That the majority of people, Even people from Stre' Kaas, Don't know much about the current version of him, Still going off of ancient texts.

Divine Domains

Grave, Justice, Dark and Fate.


Staff of the Gravewalker. A large stave made of black wood and bright gold, It has a blue crystal shaped like a human heart resting on the top. It gives the user slight control over the Duat, Being able to manifest elements of the realm to aid them in various ways.   Eye of Anubis. A small blue crystal shaped like an eyeball, Optic Nerve and all. It gives people the ability to see a person's true character or intent.   Shadowslash Bracer. A golden bracer similar to the one worn by Anubis, It grants the wearer the ability to enhance their attacks with Life-draining energies.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

A scale with a Jackal's head behind it.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

He has a fairly muscular body, But it's more of a cut figure than a large one, Still being relatively skinny. He's fast and agile, and strong enough to pull off certain difficult workouts consistantly.

Body Features

While his body doesn't really have too many unique features, I will say that his claws are very prominent, Being extremely sharp and well kempt.

Facial Features

Normally Anubis doesn't have many unique facial features except for an ex shaped scar on the left side of his nose. However, When he wakes up everyday, He does apply gold colored makeup to draw an Eye of Horus on his left eye.

Physical quirks

There are a few. For starters, Anubis will normally scratch the right side of his neck when embarrassed. Whenever he's really anxious about something, He'll wring his wrists. And when he's excited, His ears will stand upright.

Special abilities

Anubis has access to many abilities, So many specialized powers that it would take to much space to list here, So I will generalize instead.   Manipulation of the Duat. This ability may sound simple, But it allows Anubis to influence the entire realm at will, Sometimes being able to summon it on the surface as well, Increasing it's utility. Control over the Mortal Soul. This ability allows Anubis to influence the souls of mortals in almost any way. And while it does have slight limitations, He'll usually never use it to it's full extent anyway, Only using it for his work.   Once again, There are more, But they're just variations or specialized abilities originating from these two.

Apparel & Accessories

Anubis will usually wear multiple gold accessories, Such as piercings, necklaces and a set of gold bracers. He'll usually be wearing traditional and ancient Kartaa attire, Combined with a few shawls layered over his body.

Mental characteristics

Accomplishments & Achievements

Creating the Duat and Resurrecting Osiris. These feats are his most treasured accomplishments, Not including any personal ones that he likes to keep secret.

Failures & Embarrassments

While there aren't any specific instances, He still feels guilty about anybody that was sent to be destroyed in the Duat unjustly. And when he tries, He can still remember most of them.

Mental Trauma

He often has a lot of pent up resentment for his fellow gods, Leaving him as the one forced to judge every soul. And due to his position, He has a lot of guilt and self-hate that has built up over the centuries. He tries to push it down, Hide it from others to avoid being seen as lesser. He tells himself, "Gods aren't supposed to feel pain". But he knows that isn't true, deep in his heart.

Intellectual Characteristics

Anubis is often cited as being Humble, Kind and forgiving, Especially to the dead.

Morality & Philosophy

Every being must be judged fairly. No matter what factors a person may possess, They are fundimentally a soul, A soul that can be great or terrible. But there are some that still house good in their soul, And Anubis just cannot allow someone to be judged wrong or unfairly.


Bias and Favoritism. Such things are by nature extremely unfair, Which makes them despised by Anubis.

Personality Characteristics

Savvies & Ineptitudes

He is suprisingly good at hairstyling and makeup, Along with Sailing and Writing.   He is usually pretty terrible at any type of sport or physical activity, And he is very much a lightweight when it comes to alcohol.

Likes & Dislikes

Loves helping people through their issues and resolving problems. His favorite food is Fresh Sea Bass with a cream sauce, and his main hobby is creative writing.   He hates when innocent people are framed, As well as people dying young. He really dislikes Pork in all forms, and doesn't care for spice or hard drink.
Divine Classification
Lawful Good
Current Status
Judging the souls of the dead
Honorary & Occupational Titles
While most people just call him Anubis, He does have an alternate title, "The Gravewalker". Only a few people call him this, And it's usually to incite some kind of fear or response.
Date of Birth
2nd of Olym, 9486 BR
Year of Birth
9486 BR 10251 Years old
The Abyss
Current Residence
Cyrus, Stre' Kaas
Light Blue, Squinty
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Mixture of Dark Grey and Black, Very well kempt
6'2" (1.87 meters)
146lbs (66kg)
Known Languages
Anubis has judged almost every race in Erethes, As a result, He has picked up almost every language in use today.